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Mesyats Aleksandr

Mesyats Alreksandr 

Faculty: Management

Speciality: Management of personnel and economy of labour

Scientific adviser: Swets irina  ;

About author

Labour productivity growth in the enterprise

Introduction (Motivation)

The object of the research - labour productivity.

Subject of the research - the growth of labor productivity in the workplace.

The purpose and objectives of the research. Theoretically reflect the state of productivity in the economy of Ukraine, to reveal an objective picture of the changes and on this basis to identify possible progressive changes in this area

Relevance of the research. Now Ukrainian society is focused on addressing the stabilization of socio-economic situation in the country and shaping the market environment. One of the major factors contributing to the revitalization of the economy there is a positive change in the dynamics of labor productivity so it is necessary is an active search for ways out of adversity. Increasing productivity is a priority for countries with market economies. The economic crisis that hit the country significantly affected the efficiency of production has led to a sharp decline in economic activity. Under these conditions, increasing the impact of labor costs is a realistic way allowing a short time to overcome the negative trends in economic dynamics.

Relationship with academic programs plans and themes. Masters qualifying work completed during 2010-2011 according to the scientific direction of the department of personnel management and labor economics Donetsk National Technical University.

Alleged scientific novelty received rezultativ. In qualifying the work of master the technique of growth of labor productivity in the enterprises of Ukraine.

The practical significance of the results. The work presented has a certain theoretical significance, but practical recommendations on the growth of labor productivity are of interest to different industries.


Labour productivity has long been a subject of research. Various theoretical problems associated with it were studied in A. Smith, R. Allen, David Ricardo, D. Clarke, O. Lange, A. Marshall, Karl Marx, K. McConnell, S. Brue, S. Fischer, L. Moore, P. Samuelson, S. Sinko, M. Todaro, J. Ickx, Volkova, PD, Vorontsov, AP These works, along with other components of methodological base of scientific research. In this study, they used to develop the author's conception.

Labour productivity is a measure of economic growth, ie indicator of exercising influence on the growth of real product and income [1, p.36]. National income or gross national product, while increasing the productivity of labor increases faster than the cost figures. In modern conditions, where the reduction in economic growth is a steady trend, the importance of productivity to economic growth as a nation in general and for individual enterprises is increased [2, p.23].

Conceptual and theoretical principles and provisions of research productivity based on fundamental research, presented in classic and contemporary works of local and foreign researchers, realizing the political, economic and institutional approaches to the analysis of production efficiency.

Work is essential in human life, natural necessity. By acting on nature, man by his labor creates the conditions for life and further their development [3, p.12]. The process of wealth creation always requires the presence of personal and real factors. The first is the labor force, the latter - the means and objects of labor [4, c.5]. Labor productivity growth can occur both by increasing the fruitfulness of each unit of labor, and by increasing the amount of work due to the increase in its intensity, and the qualifications, then there is a greater amount of labor per unit of slack at the expense of more complex [5, c.51 ].

Labor intensity characterizes the degree of tension and determined by the number of physical and mental energy person consumed per unit of time. Increasing the intensity of labor also has limits, namely, physiological and psychological capabilities of the human body. This indicator of the labor process has a physiological character, but at the same time, it reflects the state of social and labor relations in the workplace. The main difference from productivity is that productivity growth will mean a reduction of physical and psychological human energy per unit of production (the same energy costs make it possible to produce more goods). Nature teaches us that good results are achieved not increase, and stress reduction [6, c.126].

One of the most important factors of productivity growth is technological progress, improving the design of machines, the creation of a developed system of machinery for the production of specific products [7, c.38]. Source of productivity growth, which has no borders, is a technical and technological improvement of production under the influence of scientific and technological progress. Over the past few decades in developed countries the extensive use decreased more than twice the intensity of labor has not grown, while productivity has increased several times, which showed a substantial increase in wealth and consumption of all sectors of the working population. That is precisely due to technological progress labor productivity is growing so quickly that makes it possible to produce more and more consumer goods less labor.


Labor productivity associated with the degree of development of all the factors and conditions under which flows the labor process in the industry. Hence, the need to find out the most important factors that determine the impact of human activities appropriate [8, p.13]. Factors of productivity? a mobile force under the influence of which changes the productivity of labor [9, p.25]. Given the nature of labor as a process of consumption of labor and capital goods all the factors that determine the increase in labor productivity can be grouped into three categories: logistics;

organizational, economic, characterizing the degree of organization and management of social production;

socio-psychological, associated with the role of man in social production, and characterize the degree of labor utilization.

Among the material-technical factors play an important role of scientific and technological progress, which is the foundation of all social production and one of the key elements of market mechanism.

Scientific and technological progress affects all elements of production - the means of production, work, its organization and management. Technical progress made in the following areas:

introduction of complex mechanization and automation;

improvement of production technology;

chemicalization production;

Theoretical and real data show that after reaching the proper development of the productive forces to restrain the growth of means of production, especially in the field of play. To improve the current model of economic growth, many authors propose to adhere to reasonable conservatism the permissible limits of growth of GDP [10, c.4], application of energy and information technologies [11, c.32]. Need to streamline the acquisition of vehicles in each company to provide an optimal combination of vehicles with other factors, especially skilled labor [12, c.39]. The main directions of improving the production technology is the introduction of new methods of processing materials such as chemical, electro-, ultrasound, etc. are increasingly used ultra-high and ultra-low pressure and temperature, high frequency currents, infrared and other superhard materials, etc.

Great importance for the growth of labor productivity has investments used for education, training, retraining, that is to improve the quality of the workforce [13, p.62]. The quality of labor characterizes 10-15% of the level of productivity and ranks second after the factor of scientific and technological progress [14, p.48]. The transition to a market economy must change the investment policy of the state to enhance its impact on the investment process through the market regulators.

However, in 2008. compared to 2001. the share of industrial enterprises that innovate, decreased to 11.5% versus 14.3% [15, p. 40]. Planning and management of investments carried out in Ukraine without taking into account the process of reproduction of capital and the social product. Preference to new construction in undeveloped areas. In this case, almost restored production capacity. Actually, planning the reproduction of fixed assets in the country was not. The consequence of this policy was that the productive potential of Ukraine for his technical obsolescence and technological backwardness does not meet the requirements of time. Depreciation of fixed assets is over 40%

For further development of the investment market in Ukraine is expedient to support the development priorities in the economy. Among them, first of all, it should be called developed and widely agreed upon by the scientific community, "Strategy of economic and social development of Ukraine has paid until 2015, contains a special section" Strategy for approval of an innovative model of development. " [16, c.3]

In raising the technological level of production an important role to play the stock exchanges, which allow for a mutually beneficial basis to bring to the existing unused production equipment and manufacturing facilities, organize and maintain the leasing operations, including international.

Of great importance for increasing productivity are the organizational and economic factors that determined the level of organization of production, labor and management. These factors include: improving the organizational forms of social production and its further specialization and concentration, improving the organization of production units and support services to enterprises (transportation, instrumentation, storage, energy, etc.), improvement of labor organization by deepening the division and cooperation of labor, the introduction of multiple machine maintenance, expansion of matching jobs and functions, the application of advanced methods and techniques of labor, improving the organization and maintenance jobs, improve the valuation of work (implementation of technical standards maintained labor costs, expanding the scope of work measurement), with rationing, but the definition of standards should be established certain standards, which are determined on the basis of norms and should take into account the specific situation in a certain period of time [17, p.3].

Socio-psychological factors play an important role in increasing productivity. They are determined style of leadership in the units in the enterprise as a whole motivation of economic management. Their influence is characterized by conventional and social conditions in which workers operate the enterprise. Group decision-making, shared responsibility become mandatory attributes of the functioning of modern enterprises [18, p.23], the level of training groups, the degree of discipline on workers, their labor and creative activity, a system of values-based team, the quality as well as socio-demographic composition of workers kolektiviv. In addition to these factors affecting the productivity, costs also indicate that the demographics in the country, too, especially not affect the factor productivity, and the mistake of many countries is the emphasis on the policy of preserving jobs, instead of policies to effectively increase productivity [19 ] Some authors recommend that the factors of productivity and further divide this way: [Yatskevich B. "Problems of the limits of growth and system optimization" [20, p.4], Besedin VF Muzychenko AS "Strategic Planning. Identifying and predicting labor productivity "[21, p.38]].

Competition. As the driving force behind economic growth, it is by the desire of each company to improve its market position affects performance. In addition, influences such as competition of enterprises and competition of countries. And the stronger the economy, the stronger the performance of competitive enterprises. Thus, the management of an enterprise in a market comes down to managing its competitiveness [22, p.24];

Qualification. With dynamic economic changes, technology development, intensification of domestic and international competition performance increasingly depends on the skill level of workers. Professional excellence is a key factor in the use of modern technological equipment. Knowledge and skill, professionalism of workers largely determine the success of the enterprise. However, we must remember that the skill composition of the labor collective, which was formed when the market conditions may limit the performance of the enterprise, there is a clear relationship between the level of the workforce and increase productivity [23, p.24]; quality. Restrictions on the observance of quality, which requires establishing a limit on the number of product defects definite form [24, p.145].

Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises should be regarded as one of the most important strategic objectives [25, p.172]. Given the paramount importance of improving productivity for the competitiveness of enterprises, managers and professionals at all levels in organizations looking to develop and implement performance management programs.

Program management labor productivity in the enterprise include the following steps:

Figure 2.1 - Stages of performance management at the enterprise

Fig productivity (7 shots infinite number of repetitions)111 кб.

The management system should contribute to the strategic concept of the enterprise [26, c.2]. Performance management in the enterprise - it's actually part of the overall process of enterprise management includes planning, organization, motivation, guidance, control and regulation. This work is based on continuous analysis of the ratio of useful effect of a particular employment, on the one hand, and the cost of this activity - on the other.

Approximately? item from each additional percent of GDP invested in the means of production [27, c.145]. Analyzing and planning of labor productivity is necessary to identify and utilize its reserves [28, p.68]. Developing a plan to use reserves to increase productivity, ensured that the objectives and tasks of the program. The plan should include specific activities aimed at implementing the goals, financing costs for these activities. An important task of the economist at this stage is to develop criteria for program performance, assess the effectiveness of implementation of possible investment activities [29, p.145]. Develop systems of employee motivation to achieve targeted levels of performance is a prerequisite for the program. Manager must always remember that the success of the case should not try to pull together to identify goals and objectives of the organization with personal goals and the desire of workers. Workers need to know in advance how the planned results of productivity growth will affect the realization of their personal professional interests (wage growth, professional advancement, etc.). Wage growth can not occur without serious consequences for the economy of the state if it is not associated with improved productivity [30, p.33].

Conclusions and future research

Labour productivity is one of the most important quality indicators of the enterprise and the effectiveness of labor costs. The level of labor productivity growth depends on growth in industrial production, increase wages and incomes, the size reduction of production costs. Increased productivity through mechanization and automation of labor, the introduction of new technology have virtually no boundaries. Therefore an important task is the detailed analysis of labor productivity, identify opportunities to increase production by increasing productivity, better use of manpower and working hours.

Improving productivity - one of the objective economic laws inherent in every socio-economic structure. This law is expressed in the fact that thanks to the development of the productive forces of society reduces the socially necessary labor costs for manufacturing various products for personal or public consumption. With the accumulation of human experience, knowledge, disclosure of the laws of nature, mastering them and using them is a sequential increase in labor productivity. Productivity? is fecundity, productivity, productive human activity, as measured by the amount of time spent per unit of output, or the quantity produced per unit of time (hour, day, month, year). The essence of the law of increasing productivity is to create a product of the maximum and minimum labor, and thus increase the social productivity of labor objectively contributes to the advancement of mankind, which is reflected in the growth of material production, the development of science, culture, art, and all sides of civilization. Each subsequent production method overcomes the previous because it provides greater scope for development of the productive forces of society, for the growth of social productivity.

Labour productivity reflects the fruitfulness of the efficiency of human labor in material production. Practice known various methods and indicators to measure productivity, which is associated with the peculiarities of production, applied technology, raw materials, etc. and the objectives of economic research. In the industry for measuring the performance of human labor used two indicators: development and labor-intensive products. Methods of measuring productivity vary according to the methods of determining the volume of production. Productivity, regardless of their political system is the most important indicator of economic development. Labour productivity growth provides companies and the entire social production of further development and prospects, and in conjunction with the competent marketing and sales policy, competitiveness, that is a prerequisite for a market economy. Labour productivity growth leads to higher living standards


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When writing this master of the abstract qualifying work is not completed yet. Date of final completion of work: 15 December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject of the work can be obtained from the author or his / her supervisor after this date.