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Podsitkov Stepan

Podsitkov Stepan

Faculty: Economic

Speciality: Economics of enterprise

Scientific adviser: Shilova Larisa

About author

Development of cost evaluation methods of the enterprise potential

Summary of research and developments


      Management capacity of the enterprise — a relatively new area economic research of the last decade. The development of market principles of management in the national economy gives rise to creation of new appropriate practice methods of analysis and evaluation opportunities for the company, taking into account domestic and foreign practice economic status of internal and external environment of the organization. For capacity assessment proposed to use a scorecard economic and entrepreneurial power company, takes into account amount of accumulated resources, the extent of potential opportunities. In addition, the more relevant question becomes not only ability to produce goods and services and meet needs, but to determine when this amount of resources that are spent.

Summary of work

      The first chapter deals with theoretical aspects of concept definition and assessment of the capacity of the enterprise.
      Any business — it is a specific activity, organized within a particular institutional structure in the form of the enterprise. The company, striving to occupy its own niche in the market, creates a certain potential, there is a manufacturing, financial, marketing, intellectual, organizational and informational capabilities that will fix the specific features of the enterprise, it will create a market position and ultimately determine the prospects for its development.
      Due to the fact that the level of implementation of current and potential direct impact on the achievement of operational, tactical and strategic goals of the enterprise, there is an objective need for its determination, the determination of its quality, ieassessing the potential of the company.
      Moreover, the main characteristic of the potential in such an evaluation should be worth it to achieve these goals can be determined with relative or price indices.
      Value — money or money's worth, which the buyer is willing to exchange for any item or object. Despite the apparent closeness of valuation theory to distinguish between the concept of value, costs and prices. The cost — a measure of how much a hypothetical buyer would pay for the assessed value. Expenses — it is a measure of the expenditure required to create a similar estimated. Costs affect the market value, but it definitely does not define. Expensive facility may have a low value and correspondingly low cost.
      The main purpose of the valuation of the capacity of the company is producing results that are suitable for practical use in the management of competitive capacity, investment processes, business development, entrepreneurship and innovation.
      The second chapter justified methodological approaches to assessing the potential of the enterprise.
      Evaluation of a company using the income approach based on the determination of present value of expected benefits (income cash flows) of the corporate rights of ownership of the enterprise.
      In assessing the potential from the standpoint of enterprise income approach is not seen as material and manufacturing capabilities, and investigated as an activity that can generate income (profit). That is the basis of this approach is to determine the present value of future income that will come from the activities of the enterprise. Thus, the evaluation of a company based on the income approach in most cases depends on the development prospects, the actual market situation and trends in the retrospective period.
      In the approach is based on the thesis that the purpose of investing in the investor buying the company primarily is to provide stable income. The methods are based on an assessment of business income are:
● income capitalization method;
● discounted cash flow method.
      The cost approach to assessing the value of the potential is realized in a simple easy balance method. Cost method is based on the value of the property company at the time of evaluation. This method is to assess specific group of assets of the enterprise. Valuation of assets provides a definition of the amount for which a similar means of production for the market to buy or sell. The real value of an enterprise is defined as the difference between the value of its assets and liabilities. For the basis of valuation, as a rule, take the balance on a certain date. Long-term development of the enterprise does not directly affect its real value. This effect must be "indirect" in nature.Selected balance sheet items are estimated net of depreciation, and (necessarily) at replacement cost. Positive business outlook and other "intangible factors" such as market access, skilled workers, etc. not taken into account when assessing the balance. They form a reservoir for the so-called goodwill, that is the positive difference between actual cost and selling price. However, this positive difference can be realized only by the presence of competition between buyers. This valuation method has the disadvantage — it is not related to the performance of the company (present and future). Therefore, in countries with market economies are often used methods of assessment, based on the amount of future income. On instructional techniques used by these approaches are similar to the process of evaluating the effectiveness of investments. Price the company acts as a one-time costs must be recouped by future revenue summary given to the present. This method is used as a diagnostic tool for assessing the surface in the absence of reliable information on the specificity and nature of the business.
      The cost approach to assessing the potential involves the use of such methods:
● substitution method;
● the liquidation value method;
● method of net assets;
● method of book value;
● adjusted book value method.
      The essence of the comparative approach is to compare the estimated value of the company with the value of similar businesses. The approach uses one or more methods based on comparing the performance of the company with the same companies. Data on market agreements by companies, the shareholders shares in the capital of companies or securities may be a source of objective information to determine the cost factors in the evaluation of the potential. This approach can be used to estimate the value of a company whose shares are not traded on the stock market or they are illiquid, with those of its activity the company, whose shares are involved in a stock transaction.
      Valuation of building can be done through the use of such methods:
● method of industry factors;
● method of capital market.
      In the third chapter a system of indicators for assessing the capacity of the enterprise and practical recommendations to improve the methodology for assessing the potential.


      I should say that the formation and development potential of the enterprise should be comprehensive, focused and grounded, which takes into account the internal capabilities of the enterprise and external environment to ensure it a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


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