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Tishuna Lidiya

Tishuna Lidiya

Teaching and Research Institute "Graduate School of Economy and Management"
Faculty: Economic
Department: Department of Economy of the enterprise
Specialty: Management by innovative activity

Theme of my master's work:

"Management of innovative potential of enterprises"

My supervisor: Stepanova Tatiana

About author

(Summary of research and developments)

Management of innovative potential of enterprises

Relevance of the topic: the key trend of development of new economic relations in Ukraine is creation of necessary terms for providing of competitiveness of domestic enterprises. As experience of countries testifies with the developed market economy, to attain it possibly on the basis of introduction of innovative model of development. It is related to that a dynamics of innovative processes is the determining index of economic development of not only enterprises but also country on the whole. Consequently, a ponder able value in this aspect is acquired by questions which are related to activation of innovative activity. Thus development of innovative activity is stipulated by a decision, above all things, a question concerning ability of enterprise to provide introduction of innovative decision. At the same time a spectrum of evaluation of such capacity for realization of select innovative decision is wide enough and in a result determines maintenance of innovative potential of enterprise. However impossible attaining steady development of activity of enterprises is without the previous evaluation of present innovative potential [1]. Therefore, separate tasks of evaluation and development of innovative potential, from point of activation of innovative activity, is consequently — actual for economic development in general. Question improve innovation processes, evaluation of innovative potential and its development are considered in the theoretical and methodological levels, in works such domestic and foreign scientists-economists: Halchynsky A., Heyetsya V., Grineva A., Illyashenko S., Zavlina P., Kanter R., Kuznetsov A., Lepeyko T., Lapina E., Mazur A., Merton R., Osetskoho S., Otenko I., Fedulov L., Chukhrai C., Shovkun I., Schumpeter J. and others. Generalization and analysis of published works on the issue allowed the conclusion that the formation of approaches to assessment and development of innovative capacity of enterprises is not enough developed in the scientific and the practical aspects. Objective necessity of further deepening the research associated primarily with the definition of types of innovative capabilities that are key in the implementation and introduction of innovative solutions, a more profound view of the risks of innovation and attracting additional resources in terms of their limitations. This also resulted in the final choice of topic [2].

The purpose of research: further development of theoretical frameworks andmethodological recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the innovative potential of the enterprise in the unstable conditions of farming. To achieve the goal in the following tasks:

– to consider the classifications of modern features innovative capacity [3];

– a study of development and establishment of methods and approaches for estimating the innovation potential of enterprises;

– learn the principles of innovation capacity;

– develop a common diagnostic technique innovation capacity, which can detect its current state and priorities of innovation in the enterprise;

– to develop a method of estimation of the innovation potential of the company given the level of attracting businesses to the innovation process based on integrated indicators and separate indicators;

– sound management decisions concerning the selection of projects for the development of innovative capacity of the enterprise.

Object of study: the process of managing the innovation potential of enterprises [7, 8].

Subject of research: basic principles and methods for forming and analyzing the economic efficiency of management innovation potential of the enterprise.

Research methods: system solution of problem assignments from the chosen direction of research needs to use a general scientific and special techniques. The basis of development — the general theory of management, innovation management,strategic management, using techniques such as: a systematic approach — with an overall study of problems of management of the innovation potential of enterprises;induction and deduction — for investigation and determination of content of the definition of "innovative potential of the enterprise; analysis and synthesis, modeling andformalization; observation, comparison and measurement — for evaluation of innovativecapacity in enterprises. The information base for research is a normative and legislative acts of Ukraine, which regulate the innovative activities of enterprises, the main scientific works of local andforeign scientists to study the problem within the field, and official materials andexpress the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, organizational managementcompanies documentation, materials of scientific conferences, periodicals and the Internet.

The scientific value of the work is: developing the methodology of integrated assessment of the innovation potential ofthe company, which will determine whether the innovation potential of the enterpriserequirements of implementing a specific innovation project; determining the function, structure and content of the components of the mechanism of control potential for innovation; improving the definition of "innovative potential of the enterprise; improvement of the classification of innovation in the enterprise.

The practical significance of this work is that it will be used in the practice of innovation management at the existing enterprises.

List of literature:

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2. Кокурин Д.И. Инновационная деятельность. – М.: Экзамен, 2001. – 575с.

3. Данько М. Інноваційний потенціал у промисловості України //Економіст. – 1999. – № 10. – с. 26-32.

4. Николаев А.И. Инновационное развитие и инновационная культура //Наука и наукознание. – 2001. – №2. – с. 54-65

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19. Інноваційний розвиток економіки: модель, система управління, державна політика / За ред. Федулової Л.І. – К.: Основа, 2005. – 552 с.

20. Інноваційний розвиток економіки та напрямки його прискорення/ За ред. Александрової В.П. – К.: ІЕП НАН України, 2002. – 77 с.

21. Економіка України : стратегія і політика довгострокового розвитку// За ред. Гейця В.М. – К. : ІЕП, 2003. – 1006 c.

22. Акимов А.А., Гамидов Г.С., Колосов В.Г. Системологические основы инноватики. Политехника, 2002. –596 с.

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24. Економіка України: стратегія і політика довгострокового розвитку// За ред. Гейця В.М. – К. : ІЕП, 2003. – С. 358.

25. Геєць В.М. Вступне слово // Матеріали міжн. конф. «Конкурентоспроможність української економіки»– К.: Вісник ІЕП НАНУ. – 2007. – С.2.

26. Андрианов Д.С., аспирант кафедры экономики Академии управления «ТИСБИ». Статья. Сущность и структура инновационного потенциала организации.

When writing this master of the abstract scientific work is not completed yet. Date of final completion of work – December, 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the subject of the work can be received from the author or her scientific supervisor after this date.