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Магистр ДонНТУ Винтовая Луиза Витальевна
Vintovaya Luiza

Faculty: Economics

Department:  Economy of enterprise 

Theme of Master's Work:
"Improving the efficiency of the enterprise"

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Svetlana Krapivnitskaya


Summary of research and developments

Actuality of the research theme. The problem of production efficiency has always occupied an important place among the urgent problems of economic science. Interest arises at different levels of economic management - the owners of private enterprises to state leaders.

The current stage of development of market relations in Ukraine demands from domestic companies active steps to improve the efficiency of their operation. Since the beginnings of economic science the problem of efficient functioning of enterprises came to the fore, and remains valid today. Evaluating the effectiveness of production activities, management decisions, the cost of economic resources, as well as specific technology and tools to ensure efficient functioning of enterprises are of particular interest to both scholars and economists for practitioners.

The purpose of the master's work. Development of theoretical and methodological provisions for assessing and ensuring the economic efficiency of enterprises in market conditions, the development of recommendations on how to improve enterprise efficiency.

Subject of study. Theoretical and methodological basis and applied methods to assess and ensure the economic efficiency of enterprises.

Research methods. The solution of these problems in the work carried out using methods of system and comparative analysis, expertise and graphical analysis of economic and mathematical analysis.
Research work is based on scientific concepts and theoretical achievements of domestic scientists. The information base for the study were: the normative-legal acts of Ukraine, scientific papers leading local economists, the publication of periodicals.

The practical value of this work is to substantiate the recommendations of the evaluation and ensure the economic efficiency of enterprises through better use of labor and industrial resources of the enterprise, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, to ensure an effective system of marketing.

The main content of the master's work


In the introductory part of the study briefly describes the content of master's work, given the relevance of subject matter and purpose of the study, object, object and research methods, reveals the practical value of the results of master's work.

1. The theoretical basis for improving enterprise efficiency

In the first section, "Theoretical basis for improvement of the enterprise" is defined concept and types of efficiency, defines the indicators of economic performance, examines the state of industrial enterprises. The analysis of the financial results of the metallurgical enterprises in 2006-2010, the analysis of financial results from ordinary activities, consider the structure of profitability of metallurgical enterprises.

2. Methodological basis for improving enterprise efficiency

The second section shows the main areas of performance management company. The system of indicators to assess the economic efficiency of enterprises.
Literature review allowed to identify the key economic indicators that can be used to analyze the economic efficiency of enterprises. The proposed system of economic indicators is based on indicators: assessment of manufacturing activity (overall effectiveness, efficiency indicators of resource use), financial and marketing activities of enterprises (performance of sales activity, liquidity and financial stability).

Indicators of economic efficiency is an essential tool for implementing economic policies of the enterprise and a key tool for guiding management decisions, optimize resource costs, improved pricing and enhanced competitiveness.

Pic.1. The system estimates the efficiency of production

The effectiveness of the enterprise depends, as we know, on many factors: the demand for manufactured products, competitiveness, technological level of production, its relevance to modern requirements, qualification of the production and management personnel, etc.

Along with this, the strategy of enterprise asset management is one of thethe priority place in his work.

Assets of the company - is the economic resources of the enterprise in the form of aggregate wealth used in business for profit.

Also, the company is very important to analyze the profit figures, because they reflect the efficiency of the enterprise for a certain period.

Important role in the efficient operation of the enterprise on an analysis of production costs. Production cost reduction is an important factor of economic development enterprise. Cost is one of the most versatile indicators of economic activity of enterprises.
This section also focus on cost management in the enterprise. Improving cost management system is aimed at the constant search for and identification of reserve savings, rationing their costs, planning, accounting and cost analysis of their types, stimulation of resource saving and cost reduction to improve the efficiency of financial and business enterprises.

3. Measures to improve enterprise efficiency

In the third part of the study, a number of calculations the basic financial performance of the company.

Based on analysis of existing approaches to improve the efficiency of enterprises offered their own direction. Based on the resulting financial performance analysis, a number of measures for the implementation and effectiveness.


In the conclusion to the work of the Master summarized the main results of the study, briefly disclosed the results of the work and made suggestions to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. For example, improved methods of planning and control, increase the use of available technology and equipment, improve the management of the company and others.


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5.  Мец В.О. Економічний аналіз фінансових результатів та фінансового стану підприємства:Навч. посіб. – К.: Вища шк., 2003. 
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Important! At the time of writing this summary the master thesis was not yet completed. The deadline for completion is December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after that date.

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