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Dudnik Aleksei

nstitute of mining business and geology

Mining of mineral deposits

Speciality «Mineral deposits»

Establishment of cost parameters of local mine transport a method of calculation designing

Scientific adviser: doctor of technical science, professor Strelnikov Vadim


Abstract on the topic of final work



Establishment of parameters of mountain works, both on the stage of planning and in the process of exploitation of coal mine it is related to the mine-economic calculations. Such calculations are required by the presences of dependence of expenses on a leadthrough, maintenance (repair) of the mountain making, transport of coal and materials, stoppings from technical and technological factors. These dependences got the name "Cost parameters".

Presently there are not reliable cost parameters of district mine transport, because the developed cost parameters of 80th for planning are in our days suitable only for very large-sized comparative calculations which answer reality not always . Specific expenses on a district transport settle accounts coming from the existent norms of making, tariff rates of workers, expenses on an equipment, materials, electric power. In time many of these parameters change the financial cost and to trace the dynamics of influences on the prime price of portage at a hand count very difficultly. Therefore there was an idea to transform the existent method of calculation of cost parameters in an electronic kind and by the computer program Microsoft Excel easily and comfortably to watch influence of different factors taking into account a change them in time. In this work the method of analysis of influence of natural and technical factors is considered on the size of operating costs on the different types of district mine transport, large-sized cost parameters are developed.

            Actuality of work

The prosecution of planning and exploitation of mine enterprise is certainly attended with the reconing of economic parameters. Automation of count of cost parameters, with possibility to take into account a today's economic situation in industry very important. Any work together with an engineering analysis is expressed and in an economic analysis. By the developed methods and programs it is possible far simpler to present the count of economic parameters and compare a few variants both analytically and graphicly, and thus to show out dependences of sizes.

            Purpose and tasks of researches

The PURPOSE of WORK is development of cost parameters for a district mine transport, and also development of large-sized cost parameters.

The IDEA of WORK consists of simplification of calculations of parameters of cost of portage of materials and coal on the district making. The created program will represent influence of every parameter in the total worth of portage for every kind of transport. Changing any parameter, a machine will give out a result, and a few variants of count will allow evidently to look as far as and as a change of parameters influences .

BASIC TASKS of DEVELOPMENT are treatment of single norms of making and translation of tables on the types of transport in an electronic kind taking into account all correction coefficients, calculation of cost of portage on the articles of charges. Presentation of this material is in an accessible electronic kind, presentation of the shown out results in an evident kind.

The ARTICLE of WORK is determination and account of factors of influencing on the cost of portage materials by the different types of district transport.

An OBJECT of WORK is a district mine transport.

A METHOD And METHODS of RESEARCHES is engineerings, engineer-economic calculations and comparisons.

            Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of work consists in accordance of calculations a modern situation, comfort of estimation and comparison of results. It is in this case easy to explain the phenomenon of influence of parameters on the cost of portage, it is easy to understand essence and meaningfulness of engineerings and economic counts on an evident example.

            Short-story maintenance of work

To the district transport take the next types of transporta- locomotive, Band transporter, single-rail (with locomotive or rope traction), monorope roads or napochvennye roads with rope traction.

Mine monorail

Expenses on transporting are determined on the items of expenses: ettlings of miners and engeniering-technik workers, extra charges on an ettlings, materials, depreciation of equipment, electric power, and also on editing and dismantling of equipment.

Band transporter

1.On editing take expenses for a percent from the cost of equipment, which is determined from production estimates. For this purpose we compare the relation of expenses on editing and total worth of equipment on a few estimates. On dismantling accept the size of expenses the equal size of expenses on editing.

2.Determine annual depreciation decrees from a formula:


Where: А- Determine annual depreciation;

        С- cost of equipment;

        N- rate of depreciation;

        V- annual traffic of goods;

3.On electric power determine expenses from a formula:


Where: Z- зOn electric power determine;

        m- power of electric motor, which determine on a method from CНИП-2.05.07-85;

        n- electricity charges now;

        t- burn-time engine;

4. Expenses on materials settle accounts separately for every type of transport;

5. Determine the quantity of auxiliary personnel on methods, to indicated in the Single norms of quantity periodic the paid workings mines. Then we increase in a time of works and on the set ettlings.

6. Then all articles of expenses on a transport are taken in one, so-called total, which will be exposed to the analysis at research of different factors, influencing on the change of expenses on a portage. Research of influence of factors on the size of expenses is produced as follows. To all factors, except for probed, mean values are set. Appropriated the probed factor values from minimum to maximal and a calculation is produced. All program of count of expenses for comfort of analysis of the got results and economy of time is executed on the base of the program Microsoft Excel, therefore at the change of some factor there is an automatic count of expenses on transporting.


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