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Магистр ДонНТУ Назаренко Лина Альбертовна

Nazarenko Lina

Faculty of mining-geolodgical

Speciality «Geological survey, prospecting and exploration»

Assessing the impact of tectonic processes on the deposits of limestone from the perspective of resource-saving technologies

Scientific adviser: Professor, Doctor of Science heolohycheskyh Korchemagin Victor 



Date of birth 07.04.1989
Birth-place Donetsk obl., Dokuchaevsk
School 1996-2006— (11 classes), school №4, Dokuchaevsk
Education 2006-2010— bachelor — DonNTU, Donetsk
    2010-2012— graduate — DonNTU, Donetsk
    2010-2012— second degree — Institute of Continuing Education DonNTU, Donetsk
Average Rating 4,7
Languages Perfectly speak Russian and Ukrainian languages, basic knowledge of English
Hobbies Swimming, Walking, cooking
Personal qualities Modesty, tact, sociability, kindness
Computer skills MS Windows user, MS Office XP/Vista
    MS Word, MS Exel, Total Comander; Kompas-3D ; Autodesk Land Desktop; Serfer, SPSS IBM,
    HTML, Visual Basic
Plans on the future protection of the diploma in the field «Geological mapping, prospecting and exploration» end «Management of organizations»;
    find interesting, challenging work.
Contact Information e-mail :
    ISQ: 585715774