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Stanislav Babich

Faculty - Engineering mechanics and industry

Chair of metallurgical transport and logistics

Specialty - Elevating-and-transport cars

The analysis of existing designs of screw conveyors for transportation of loose cargoes and development of propositions on increase of their durability

Research supervisor: Ph.D, professor Sklyarov Nikolay Andreevych



Babich Stanislav Igorevich .

Date of birth: On October 01, 1989.

School: Comprehensive school level I-III ¹. 2 Rozovka, Rozovsky district, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine.

HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION: 2007-2011 DonNTU bachelor in the direction of «Engineering mechanics and industry». 2011-2013 DonNTU Master's degree in the direction of «Engineering mechanics and industry».

average ball \ GPA: 4.36.

Language skills: native Russian, Ukrainian, spoken English

Computer skills: Programming languages: Visual Basic; Web programming: HTML; Work with graphics: Kompas; Mathematical packages: Matlab, Mathcad; Work with OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista; Means of Office: MS Office 2003/2007, MS PowerPoint

Additional courses: graduated from driving school and received the driver's license of the categories "A" and "B"..

Experience: manufacturine practice on the Rutchenkovsky Mountain cars as the probationer from June 15 to July 20, 2009.

I plan to write a master's thesis and successfully protect it. After graduating the university I plan to work in the specialty and show myself as qualified expert knowing the business.

Contact Information:

E-mail: wolfman-2000@rambler.ru