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Магистр ДонНТУ Станислав Игоревич Бабич

Stanislav Babich

Faculty of Inzhinernoy of mechanics and engineer

Speciality is «lifting-transport machines"

Analysis of existent constructions of spiral conveyers for the portage of sipuchikh loads and razrobotka suggestions on the increase of their longevity

Scientific leader: kand. tekhn. sciences, professor Sklyarov Nickolay


Summary of theme of of



Relevance of the topic

Purpose and objectives

Development on

Further research problem




     In connection with rozvitiem various industries are, the further introduction of technology and Progressive improvement schemes and methods of transport has become the most pressing issue of our time.

     Mining - mining, agriculture, engineering and other industries rozvivayutsya rapidly through the introduction of Progressive technology, which allows to achieve increased production volume by increasing the productivity of labor. Progressive introduction of technology requires the use of current transportation systems developed and implemented high-quality and highly productive machines and transport systems. Complex mechanization and automation of production processes must meet a high level of concentration of work. Therefore, the equipment must have high productivity. Transport vehicles occupy the main place in the equipment. In this regard, proetno - development institutions and factories mashinostroitelstva done important work on dismantling the parametric series of standards for basic transportation machines. In addition to the technical requirements for new DSTU regulated reliability and durability. In mashinostroitelstve you are working on assessing the level of quality of transport vehicles and to bring their reliability and durability to the level of the world's best links.

     Most Progressive trend in the development of industrial transport is its full pipelining.

     Comparison of the possible types of transport and type of rational choice, which provides high productivity and durability at low cost is essential to resolve the issue.

     This issue is devoted to this work.

Relevance of the topic

     To the question of portage of sipuchikh materials attention of domestic and oversea scientists, researchers and manufacturers is tied down.

     Prof was engaged in the methods of portage of sipuchikh materials . And. V. of Dokukin, And. V. of Evnevich, k.t.n. associate professors of T. of Sh. Gochitoshvili, P. And. Preobrazhenskiy, And. And. Trufanov, And. D. Wheat, inzh. L. M. of Swedes, Yu. F. Kradeniv, Yu. P. of Evtyukhov, to To. L. Koloyarov, V. of V. of Modinov.

     These questions were probed and razrobatyvalis' in a number of the below transferred enterprises: Kazanskiy khimiko is a technological institute of the name P. M. of kirova, All-union scientifically - a research institute on planning and scientific research of steel constructions and mechanization of production of Gipronimstal'most, Ukrainian project and scientifically is a research institute, Institute of mountain mechanics And. Culikidze, Novolipeckiy metalurgicheskiy factory, Institute of mountain matter of the name And. And. Skochinskogo, Odessa branch scientifically - production amalgamation "Agropribor"      There is a row of failings in the portage of sipuchikh loads . Considerably screws, ribbon, wear out quickly, some loads are a characteristic pylit'sya and rozsypat'sya. At a portage one are given crushing, other skochivaniyu. it and other great deal is instrumental in the decline of the productivity and term of exploitation of transporting device.      But these failings can be liquidated, using for the portage of sipuchikh loads mechanisms with the closed transport highway, but also comfortable in service; using a mechanism which carries out the function of mixing avoiding skochivaniya and clinging at planning of loadings, pouring and transport adaptations increasing the angles of slope and crossing of chamfers. On the basis of higher indicated it is possible to draw conclusion, that razrobotka conveyers of new technical level of povishennoy longevity is an actual modern task.

Purpose and objectives

     Objective — rozrobotka prredlozheniy on the increase of longevity of spiral conveyers.

To achieve this goal were as follows:

1) analysis of existent constructions of spiral conveyers;

2) analysis of longevity of basic gruzonesuschikh elements ( chamfers, shnekov );

3) analysis of existent technologies of work-hardening of elements of spiral conveyer;

4) choice of rational technologies of increase of longevity of elements of spiral conveyer;

5)calculation of economic efficiency at the use of spiral conveyer of enhanceable longevity.

Development on

     Based on the data obtained by BTMPE were analyzed by means of rehabilitation and work hardening trough screw conveyor with futirovki [1].

     In Fig. 1 is a graph of wear trough screw conveyor made of three different alloys under pressure from the angle to 36 degrees.

Fig. 1 Stenochnoe friction.

     The graph shows that the data stenochnogo friction can be used for prediction of type flow, which may occur inside the trench, and calculates its load [1]. Analysis stenochnogo friction should be considered when designing or modifying zheloba.TIVAR ® 88 has a very low angle of friction as compared to stainless and carbon steel (Fig. 1). Low angle of sliding friction TIVAR ® 88 can be interpreted as a lower cost structure, building a more efficient channel with flat angle funnel

     The graphs show the results of tests made ??by Jenike & Johanson, Inc., Their apparatus to measure the wear and tear (U.S. Patent 4,446,717) [5].

Fig. 2. Koeffitsienty wear crater mass raskhodaiz for 24 hour operation 365 days a year.

     Three samples of coal were tested on surfaces at different pressures and speeds. Bituminous coal from Pennsylvania was a hard, sharp and relatively abrasive. Sub-bituminous coal was transported from the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Brown coal was soft, svyazeobrazuyuschim of North Dakota. The coefficients of wear, as shown in Fig. 2, were used to calculate the expected life of TIVAR ® stainless steel 88 and 3042B.

      The highest rate of wear TIVAR ® 88 at the outlet for bituminous coal is 0.028 per year. This means that if that ratio TIVAR ® lining 88 1/2 inches thick will have useful properties for 17 years. For brown coal 2 inches thick lining will have a projected life of more than 100 years [1]. The calculation was based on the life of the 25 foot diameter, gutters and a conical mass flow hopper, which reduces to 2 feet in diameter at the exit. It has been suggested that coal will have a bulk density of 50 lb / ft and will be disbursed in accordance with 50 t / h

      for the record 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1 foot = 30.48 cm 1 pound = 0.454 kg

Further research problem

      In the future we plan to select a rational way to improve the reliability and durability of the chute and auger screw conveyor.

Принцип работы гидравлической крепи

Fig. 5. The operating principle of lining. (volume – 49,9 КБ; number of frames – 5; duration – 7 с.)


      1.Glavnoy cause wear and tear trough and auger screw conveyor - a fast iznashevanie their surfaces. To improve the reliability and durability necessary to use an alloy TIVAR ® 88

     2.For improving durability of screw conveyor is also necessary :
- To carry out daily checks and maintenance kazhdonedelnoe.
To carry out routine repairs and konveyepa elements in general.
- Strengthening of the surfaces in a timely manner to carry out the screw and the trough lining [6].

     3.Упрочняющая наплавка позволяет выровнять неровности рельефа шнека, наличие карбидов, силицидов и карбоборидов в наплавленном слое - существенно снизить коэффициент трения при проскальзывании массы, что позволяет уменьшить нагрузку и энергопотребление до 10% [2].


1.BTMPE.Решение проблем износа.http://www.btmpe.com

2.Эквиптех. Винтовой конвейер.http://www.ekvipteh.com.ua/shnek.html

3.Castolin Eutectic. Наплавка шнеков.http://www.mec-castolin.ru/Resheniya/Naplavka-shnekov

4.Wikipedia.Наплавка металла.http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/наплавка

5.Wikipedia.Каменное литьё.http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/каменное литьё

6.BTMPE.Футеровка труб и колен от износа.http://www.btmpe.com/ru-WRtubes.html

7.Estateline.Футеровка труб.http://www.estateline.ru/articles/2554

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