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Master of DonNTU Tyrtychnyy Sergey

Tyrtychnyy Sergey

Rationale for the structure and criteria for technical diagnostics of the executive body of the tunnel combine to increase the efficiency of its use

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Chair "Mining machines"

Speciality "Computer designing of mechatronic mining equipment"

Supervisor of studies Doct.Tech.Sci., Prof Shabaev Oleg


Date of birth January, 11th, 1990
Birthplace Snezhnoe of Donetsk region
Comprehensive school Comprehensive school of ¹8 of Snezhnoe:
High school Donetsk national technical university (DonNtU):
Major: Computer-aided design of mechatronic equipment
Bachelor degree 2007-2011;
Magistracy 2011-2012
Possession of languages Russian ànd Ukrainian in perfection;
English (basic level)
Personal qualities Perseverance, self-discipline, responsibility, punctuality, ability to learn, a desire to improve the professional field
Possession of computer Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 98/XP/Vista/7;
Applied directions: Microsoft Office Word/Excel/Access/PowerPoint/Visio, Mathcad, Compass, Solid Works, APM WinMachine, Adobe Photoshop;
Programming languages: Pascal, C/C++;
Plans for future Successfully to end a magistracy;
To be arranged for interesting and perspective work;
To receive second higher education
Contact information e-mail: tyrtychnyy90@mail.ru