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1. Subject urgency

The intensification of underground coal mining which is carried out on the basis of introduction of high-efficiency equipment and progressive technology, promotes further fall of level of mountain works in mines. Conducting mountain works on big depths is interfaced to increase of thermal emissions from rocks in underground developments. It promotes formation in faces of temperature conditions which don't provide normal thermoregulation of a human body at performance of work of a certain category of weight by it, a consequence of that is growth of incidence, a traumatism and deterioration of health of workers.

2.  Purpose and research problems

The objectives of the task my master's work are shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1 - Animation scheme of the purposes and problems of work

3. Review of researches and development

Climatic conditions in excavations are defined generally by temperature, humidity and speed of movement of mine air and are of great importance for normal work of miners. Adverse thermal conditions in excavations are observed already on depths of 600-700 m. Now the problem of fight against high temperatures gains the increasing value in connection with increase in depth of development and use of more productive equipment. The heaviest climatic conditions are observed in deadlock developments.

The main directions of technical development of the coal industry provide wide use of sinking combines. It is the most progressive way of carrying out preparatory developments, however its application leads to sharp deterioration thermal characteristics the mine atmosphere in comparison with thermal characteristics at a drilling-and-blasting way. It is connected with more intensive heat exchange between air and naked surfaces of the massif, caused in higher speed of a advance of a face, increase of inflow of heat from large volume of the destroyed mountain weight, considerable stressing of heat electric equipment and executive bodies of sinking combines owing to big power consumption (to 700 kW). As a result of influence of these factors air temperature in working faces at carrying out developments sinking combines on 6-7°С exceeds air temperature in the similar developments which are carried out in the drilling-and-blasting way, and on depths of 1000-1200 m reaches 33-38°C [7].

Air temperature in faces of preparatory developments is defined by the following factors: heatreturn of the breeds surrounding excavations; heatreturn of the extracted mineral and the beaten-off breed at their transportation; thermal emissions at oxidation of coal, a coal dust also fix, from mechanical work and losses of electric energy; thermal emissions of people.

Until recently specific weight of the first three factors made about 80 % in thermal balance of deadlock developments. Now in connection with increase in depth of development and increase of a power saturation of the sinking equipment specific weight of thermal emissions from the breeds surrounding excavations, and from cars and mechanisms raises [3].

4. Research of a thermal mode of preparatory excavations of mine of A.A.Skochinsky

The purpose of mine thermal shootings – receiving authentic basic data to performance of a forecast of air temperature and of thirds of east lava TSP Unitary Enterprise of a layer of h16 and development of offers on normalization of temperature conditions by means of cooling of air

Mine thermal shootings were carried out according to requirements of existing normative documents – Safety rules for coal mines [1] and the Guide to carrying out thermal shootings in coal mines [2].

At thermal shootings in deadlock preparatory developments points of measurements of parameters of air settled down:

— in free section of airsubmitting development before fan of local airing;

— in the ventilating pipeline on an air outlet in a face zone;

— in free section of deadlock development at distance to 5 m from the end of the ventilating pipeline towards the mouth;

— in free section of deadlock development at distance of 5-10 m from the mouth of deadlock development towards a face.

Thermal conditions in operating deadlock preparatory developments of mine of A.A.Skochinsky (June of 2010)

Name of developments, measurement place

Air temperature, °C

Relative humidity of air, % Speed of air, m/s
Ventilating walker N 2
Before FLA - - -
-Face zone 29,8 77,0 0,5
Development mouth 31,2 78,0 0,55
Auxiliary walker N 2
Before FLA - - -
Face zone 27,8 76,0 0,6
Development mouth 28,8 77,0 0,65
Main conveyor drift
Before FLA - - -
Face zone 27,6 77,0 0,5
Development mouth 28,0 77,0 0,53
Ventilating walker N 2
Before FLA - - -
Face zone 30,8 78,0 0,5
Development mouth 32,1 77,0 0,56

According to the presented data on the temperature mode as of July, 2010, thermal conditions exceed the values regulated by Safety rules for operating and planned to commissioning clearing and deadlock preparatory developments. In deadlock preparatory developments (main conveyor drift, the ventilating walker N 2) air temperature in face zones reaches 27,8–30,8°C at relative humidity of 76–78 % and speed of air of 0,5–0,6 m/s.

In developments where air temperature exceeds admissible value Safety rules, it agrees to the data provided by mine, 827 miners work [5].

5.Organizational actions for the prevention of negative impact of a temperature factor on working in the conditions of high temperatures

The following organizational actions should be applied to the prevention of negative impact of a temperature factor on the working:

— To provide a minimum of manual and physical work in clearing and preparatory faces at the expense of application of mechanization of works on loading and delivery of materials and the equipment;

— To provide 10-15 minute technological breaks on rest and restoration of a normal physical state of workers after each business hour;

— Calculation of number and acquisition of sinking brigades of a message taking into account periodic replacement of workers on labor-consuming operations;

— To provide the continuous mechanized delivery of people to the remote workplaces on developments with high temperatures;

— To carry out professional survey of the workers occupied on works in developments with high temperatures with periodic physical examination of a condition of their health;

— Prior to the beginning of maintaining a preparatory work to coordinate participation of groups of workers of sites on works with temporary derogation from requirements of PB on a temperature mode;

Improvement of temperature conditions in deadlock preparatory developments is provided on the basis of improvement of airing of face zones at the expense of consolidation and replacement of ventilating pipelines by bigger diameter, application of more productive FLA.

On the basis of the analysis provided by mine A complex of actions… and verifying thermal calculations with use materials of mine, it is established:

— Developed and transferred MAKNII on coordination A complex of actions … for 2011 without application of artificial cooling of air won't allow to improve essentially temperature conditions in deadlock preparatory developments

— According to the executed look-ahead calculations air temperature in deadlock preparatory developments will reach 30,0°С.

— Decrease in air temperature in preparatory developments without application of means of conditioning is possible, at the best, on 0,5–0,8°С.

Conclusions and offers

Further improvement of temperature conditions in deadlock preparatory developments at the expense of increase in expenses of air at their airing practically won't give positive results.

Improvement of temperature conditions in all planned to further working off of excavations probably only at artificial cooling of air with use of mobile refrigeration units with conditioners the KPS 300.

Fig. 2 – A mobile refrigerator KPS 300

Fig. 3 – Mobile Air Conditioning Mine KPS 300,intended for cooling air in the preparation and treatment of deep excavations mines, hazardous gas and dust.

Fig. 4 - Mobile Air Conditioning Mine KPS 300

Works in excavations air temperature in which after realization of the Complex of actions … exceeds admissible Safety rules, should be carried out taking into account correction of norms of time of finding of people in zones with the increased temperature. Along with it the complex of improving actions for decrease in influence of a heating-up microclimate on an organism of workers should be carried out [4].

List of sources

  1. Правила безопасности в угольных шахтах. – М.: Недра, 1986, – С. 293.
  2. Руководство по проведению тепловых съемок в угольных шахтах. Макеевка-Донбасс, МакНИИ, 1982.
  3. Мартынов А.А., Яковенко А.К., Петросянц В.А. Результаты шахтных испытаний экспериментальной установки турбодентанерного охлаждения воздуха в тупиковых выработках // Способы и средства создания безопасных и здоровых условий труда в угольных шахтах. Сб. научн. трудов МакНИИ, – 1995. – С. 144–151.
  4. ТУ У29.2–00217863–040–2004. Кондиционер передвижной шахтный КПШ 300. Технические условия.
  5. Комплекс мероприятий по борьбе с высокими температурами воздуха в горных выработках на 2011 год ОП Шахта им. А.А. Скочинского ГП ДУЭК.
  6. Стукало А.А. Характеристика действующих глубоких угольных шахт по тепловому фактору // Геотехнологий и управления производством XXI века. Сборник научных трудов 2 международной научно-практической конференции в г.Донецке. – Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2007. – С.112–114.
  7. Медведев Б.И., Сухоруков В.П., Кондрацкий В.Л., Лепихов В.А., Кузнецов В.В., Орлик В.П. Климатические условия и пути их нормализации в забоях тупиковых выработок [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:–21.