DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Elena Lukjanenko
Date of birth 01.09.1990
Place of birth Donetsk
School Gymnasium N 70
Higher educational establishment 2011–2012 master of DonNTU, 2007–2011 bachelor of DonNTU
Average score 4.5 (for the training in the Bachelor)
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – perfect, English – sufficient for work
Personal achievements Successful training at university
Hobbies and interests Rollersport, fiction, dog breeding (Dobermann terriers), knitting by a hook
Personal qualities Responsibility, communicative, easy teachable, commitment
Computer skills Windows XP, programming of Turbo Pascal Languages. Skills of work with the programs: MS Word, MS Excel, HTML,IRS ventilation of ERP
Experience Experience with people, 3 months of job practice on Zasadko mine works
Future plans Receipt of higher education on speciality «Security of employment», and after is deserving work that will allow to use my knowledge and abilities.
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