DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Anastasia Neretina
Date of birth March 26, 1990
Place of birth Donetsk
School 1997–2007 school N 136
High educational institution Doneckiy national tehcnical university (DonNTU) Magistracy 2011–2012; Bachelor 2007–2011 Safety to labor activity.
Average score 4.5
Languages Russian, Ukrainian – fluent, English – Intermediate.
Hobbies and interests Music, literature, dance, spirituality, art, sports.
Personal qualities Communication skills, commitment, creative thinking, fast learner, responsiveness, responsibility.
Computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP.
2. Applications: MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, KOMPAS, IRS ventilation PLA, AutoCAD, MS Access Database.
3. Programming languages: Turbo Pascal, HTML, CSS, Java.
Experience In the framework of practical training in Makeevka Research Institute, in the mines.
Future plans Protection masters work, go behind the border Motherland: get the perspective of work and citizenship. Self – improvement and self – realization.
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