ДонНТУ   Портал магистров   Сайт ЭТФ   Кафедра ЭАПУ

Ссылки по теме выпускной работы

    Материалы магистров ДонНТУ

  1. Зюзин Д.Г. Исследование демпфирования колебаний в крановых электромеханических системах

    Описание: Персональный сайт на портале магистров ДонНТУ, 2009 г.

    Руководитель: Коцегуб П.Х.

  2. Научные работы и статьи

  3. Ударные нагрузки при движении мостового крана по рельсовому пути

    Авторы: Чернишенко О.В., Краснокутская Т.Б., Фесенко Г.І.

    Описание: Дана методика определения ударных нагрузок в металлоконструкции крана и буксах крановых колес. Описано построение уравнения колебаний многомассовой системы крана и определения коэффициента динамичности в буксах и металлоконструкции крана.

  4. Напряженно-деформированное состояние мостовых кранов

    Авторы: Сазамбаева Б.Т.

    Описание: Показано напряженно-деформированное состояние пролетной балки мостового крана.

  5. Система гашения колебаний груза подъемных кранов на основе методов нечеткой логики

    Авторы: Алави Сейед Энаяталлах

    Описание: Автореферат диссертации.

  6. Интеллектуальные алгоритмы управления подъёмно-транспортными механизмами

    Авторы: Кузнецов А.П., Марков А.В., Хаджинов М.К., Шмарловский А.С., Гаврилик Т.В.

    Описание: Проведен анализ современных алгоритмов управления подъемно-транспортными механизмами. Описаны интеллектуальные алгоритмы управления грузоподъемными механизмами, основанные на решении обратной задачи динамики и применении нечеткой логики. Алгоритмы снижают требования к квалификации операторов грузоподъемных механизмов и позволяют перенести интеллект обученного персонала на системы управления. Проведено исследование чувствительности алгоритма к вариациям параметров.

  7. Анализ эффективности алгоритмов подавления колебаний грузов в подъемно-транспортных механизмах

    Авторы: Шмарловский А.С.

    Описание: Проведен анализ эффективности современных алгоритмов управления подъемно-транспортными механизмами, обеспечивающих подавление колебаний. Представлены результаты анализа эффективности алгоритмов управления.

  8. Подавление колебаний грузов в подъемно-транспортных механизмах

    Авторы: Кузнецов А.П., Марков А.В., Шмарловский А.С., Гаврилик Т.В.

    Описание: Проведен анализ современных алгоритмов управления подъемно-транспортными механизмами, обеспечивающих подавление колебаний. Предложен алгоритм подавления колебаний грузов, имеющий гибкую структуру и позволяющий обеспечить желаемое соотношение быстродействие/робастность.

  9. Синтез робастного управления электроприводом горизонтального наведения

    Авторы: Кузнецов Б.И., Никитина Т.Б., Волошко А.В., Буаклин Мохаммед Али

    Описание: Разработан метод синтеза робастного управления электроприводом горизонтального наведения с учетом упругих элементов как дискретно-континуальным объектом. Приведен пример динамических характеристик синтезированной системы.

  10. Стохастический синтез робастного управления дискретно-континуальным объектом в горизонтальной плоскости

    Авторы: Кузнецов Б.И., Никитина Т.Б., Коломиец В.В., Буаклин Мохаммед Али, Кузнецова Л.Г., Волошко А.В.

    Описание: Разработана методика синтеза стохастических робастных регуляторов для стабилизатора в горизонтальной плоскости как дискретно-континуального объекта управления с учетом упругих колебаний ствола. Приведен пример динамических характеристик синтезированной стохастической системы.

  11. Синтез робастної електромеханічної системи із розподіленими параметрами механічної частини об'єкту регулювання

    Авторы: Буаклин Мохаммед Али

    Описание: Автореферат диссертации.

  12. Техническая и справочная литература

  13. Национальная библиотека Украины имени В.И. Вернадского

    Крупнейшая библиотека Украины, главный научно-информационный центр государства. Входит в число десяти крупнейших национальных библиотек мира.

  14. Репозиторий Белорусского национального технического университета

    Электронные версии методических пособий, электронные учебники, монографии. Электронная библиотека.

  15. Доклады БГУИР

    Журнал Доклады БГУИР, основанный в 2003 г., является научным журналом, публикующим рецензируемые статьи, и издается Белорусским государственным университетом информатики и радиоэлектроники. В журнале публикуются оригинальные статьи и краткие сообщения на русском и английском языках по следующим научным направлениям (рубрикам): электроника, радиофизика, радиотехника, информатика.

  16. Специализированные сайты и порталы

  17. Prevention of Load Sway by a Fuzzy Controller

    Пример гашения колебаний груза с использованием нечёткой логики, выполненный на языке программирования Java.

  18. Computational Intelligence

    Лекции и материалы лабораторных работ по нейронным сетям и нечёткой логике.

  19. Fuzzy Application Library/Technical Applications/Practical Design

    Practical Fuzzy Logic Design.

  20. Статьи на иностранных языках

  21. Effects of hoisting on the input shaping control of gantry cranes

    Авторы: William Singhose and Lisa Porter and Michael Kenison and Eric Kriikku

    Описание: The dynamic behavior of a planar gantry crane with hoisting of the load is investigated. The command generation method of input shaping is proposed for reduction of the residual vibration. Several versions of input shaping are evaluated and compared with time-optimal rigid-body commands over a wide range of parameters. Input shaping provides significant reduction in both the residual and transient oscillations, even when the hoisting distance is a large percentage of the cable length. Experimental results from a 15-ton gantry crane at the Savannah River Technology Center are used to support the numerical results.

  22. Second-order sliding-mode control of container cranes

    Авторы: Giorgio Bartolini and Alessandro Pisano and Elio Usai

    Описание: Moving a suspended load along a pre-specified path is not an easy task when strict specifications on the swing angle and on the transfer time need to be satisfied. Intuitively, minimizing the cycle time and the load swing are conflicting requirements, and their satisfaction requires proper control actions, especially if some uncertainties in the system dynamics are present. In this paper we propose a simple control scheme, based on second-order sliding modes, which guarantees a fast and precise load transfer and the swing suppression during the load movement, despite of model uncertainties and unmodeled dynamic actuators. Such controller has been tested on a laboratory-size model of the crane, and some experimental results are reported.

  23. An automated gantry crane as a large workspace robot

    Авторы: Oliver Sawodny and Harald Aschemann and Stephan Lahres

    Описание: In the context of further automation of manufacturing processes, automated transportation of heavy weights using cranes becomes more and more important. Applying the skills of robots to crane automation, a wide market of new applications could be developed. The main idea is to interpret the crane as a large workspace-serving robot. The crane hook represents the effector of the robot. As an example for the effector, an automated storage and retrieval unit for rack operations by a crane with three active auxiliary effector axes has been developed and integrated into the control concept. The control has been realized for a reconstructed 5-t-bridge crane with workspace dimensions of 30 m×8.7 m×7m.

  24. Anti-swing and positioning control of overhead traveling crane

    Авторы: Jianqiang Yi and Naoyoshi Yubazaki and Kaoru Hirota

    Описание: A new fuzzy controller for anti-swing and position control of an overhead traveling crane is proposed based on the Single Input Rule Modules (SIRMs) dynamically connected fuzzy inference model. The trolley position and velocity, the rope swing angle and angular velocity are selected as the input items, and the trolley acceleration as the output item. Each input item is given with a SIRM and a dynamic importance degree. The control system is proved to be asymptotically stable to the destination. The controller is robust to different rope lengths and has generalization ability for different initial positions. Control simulation results show that by using the fuzzy controller, the crane is smoothly driven to the destination in short time with small swing angle and almost no overshoot.

  25. Finite element analysis of the dynamic response of plates under traversing loads using adaptive meshes

    Авторы: A.R. de Faria and D.C.D. Oguamanam

    Описание: The vibration of Mindlin plates with moving concentrated load is investigated using the finite element method (FEM). The use of Mindlin elements may, depending on the refinement of the mesh, yield poor results if the loads are located at off-nodal positions. A new strategy that is based on an adaptive mesh scheme and on the use of perturbation technique in the structural vibration simulation is proposed in this paper to overcome this problem. The strategy supports the use of the traditional finite elements and arbitrary geometry and boundary conditions for both plates and shells.

  26. Estimation of the modal mass of a structure with a tuned-mass damper using H-infinity optimal model reduction

    Авторы: Jae-Seung Hwang and Hongjin Kim and Jinkoo Kim

    Описание: Accurate estimation of the modal mass of a structure is essential for analyzing the structural response under disturbance and for designing mass-type control devices used to enhance the serviceability of the structure. The modal mass of a real structure differs from that of the mathematical model due to the error introduced by the assumptions made for analysis and by the change in dynamic characteristics occurring during the construction process. In this study, a procedure is proposed for estimating the modal mass of a real structure with a tuned-mass damper based on the H-infinity optimal model reduction technique. The modal mass is obtained from the relationship between the observability–controllability matrices realized from the system identification and the typical two-degree-of-freedom state space model. The proposed method is verified through the analysis of three model structures.

  27. A coupled FEM/BEM approach and its accuracy for solving crack problems in fracture mechanics

    Авторы: B. Aour and O. Rahmani and M. Nait-Abdelaziz

    Описание: The finite element (FEM) and the boundary element methods (BEM) are well known powerful numerical techniques for solving a wide range of problems in applied science and engineering. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, so that it is desirable to develop a combined finite element/boundary element method approach, which makes use of their advantages and reduces their disadvantages. Several coupling techniques are proposed in the literature, but until now the incompatibility of the basic variables remains a problem to be solved. To overcome this problem, a special super-element using boundary elements based on the usual finite element technique of total potential energy minimization has been developed in this paper. The application of the most commonly used approaches in finite element method namely quarter-point elements and J-integrals techniques were examined using the proposed coupling FEM–BEM. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach have been assessed for the evaluation of stress intensity factors (SIF). It was found that the FEM–BEM coupling technique gives more accurate values of the stress intensity factors with fewer degrees of freedom.

  28. Time-optimal swing-up feedback control of a pendulum

    Авторы: Chernousko, F. L. and Reshmin, S. A.

    Описание: Time-optimal feedback control is obtained that brings a pendulum to the upper unstable equilibrium position. The solution is based on the maximum principle and involves analytical investigations combined with numerical computations. As a result, the switching and dispersal curves that bound the domains in the phase plane corresponding to different values of the optimal bang-bang control are constructed for various values of the maximal admissible control torque.

  29. Effect of cable flexibility on transient response of a beam-pendulum system

    Авторы: Michael and El-Raheb

    Описание: The effect on beam-pendulum response of cable flexibility is studied. The system is forced at its base by a prescribed damped periodic oscillation. Response from cable tension is estimated at a delayed time step from known variables computed at a previous time step in a linear modal analysis. The effects of base excitation and force from cable flexibility are included adopting the static-dynamic superposition method. Two distinct non-dimensional parameters, control the linear modal response of beam and pendulum. Unlike periodic excitation where the pendulum may be used as an absorber of energy, in transient response the conditions leading to absorption do not apply. Even for large pendulum swings, cable flexibility has a negligible effect on flexural response considering that cable tension dominated by high frequencies is larger than the shear force QxxL it transmits at the beam-free end. Contrary to its effect on flexure, cable flexibility induces a high-frequency axial force comparable to QxxL.

  30. A controller enabling precise positioning and sway reduction in bridge and gantry cranes

    Авторы: Khalid L. Sorensen and William Singhose and Stephen Dickerson

    Описание: Precise manipulation of payloads is difficult with cranes. Oscillation can be induced into the lightly damped system by motion of the bridge or trolley, or from environmental disturbances. To address both sources of oscillation, a combined feedback and input shaping controller is developed. The controller is comprised of three distinct modules. A feedback module detects and compensates for positioning error; a second feedback module detects and rejects disturbances; input shaping is used in a third module to mitigate motion-induced oscillation. An accurate model of vector drive and AC induction motors, typical to large cranes, was used jointly with a deconvolution analysis technique to incorporate the nonlinear dynamics of crane actuators into the control design. The controller is implemented on a 10-ton bridge crane at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The controller achieves good positioning accuracy and significant sway reduction.

  31. Dynamic modeling and adaptive control of a H-type gantry stage

    Авторы: C.S. Teo and K.K. Tan and S.Y. Lim and S. Huang and E.B. Tay

    Описание: This paper addresses the dynamic modeling and adaptive control of a H-type gantry stage. The stage is posed as a three-degree-of-freedom system. Based on this structure, a mathematical model is built using the Lagrangian equation. An adaptive control method is formulated for the positioning of the stage, with minimal a priori information assumed of the model. A stability analysis is provided for the proposed control scheme. Both software simulation and experimental results are documented to illustrate the practical application of the scheme, and to verify the adequateness of the gantry model.

  32. Lyapunov theory based robust control of complicated nonlinear mechanical systems with uncertainty

    Авторы: Cho, H. and Lee, J. and Lee, Y. and Lee, K.

    Описание: This paper presents a robust control approach for nonlinear uncertain crane systems with a three DOF framework. We deal with an overhead crane in which a trolley located on the top is moved to x- and y-axes independently. We first approximate the nonlinear system model through feedback linearization transformation to simply construct a PD control and then design a robust control system for compensating control deviation feasibly occurring due to modeling error or system perturbation in practice. An adaptive control rule is analytically derived by using Lyapunov stability theory given bounds of system perturbation. We accomplish numerical simulation for evaluating the proposed methodology and demonstrate its superiority by comparing with the traditional control strategy.

  33. A novel alpha finite element method (αFEM) for exact solution to mechanics problems using triangular and tetrahedral elements

    Авторы: G.R. Liu and T. Nguyen-Thoi and K.Y. Lam

    Описание: The paper presents an alpha finite element method (αFEM) for computing nearly exact solution in energy norm for mechanics problems using meshes that can be generated automatically for arbitrarily complicated domains. Three-node triangular (αFEM-T3) and four-node tetrahedral (αFEM-T4) elements with a scale factor α are formulated for two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) problems, respectively. The essential idea of the method is the use of a scale factor α ∈ [0,1] to obtain a combined model of the standard fully compatible model of the FEM and a quasi-equilibrium model of the node-based smoothed FEM (N-SFEM). This novel combination of the FEM and N-SFEM makes the best use of the upper bound property of the N-SFEM and the lower bound property of the standard FEM. Using meshes with the same aspect ratio, a unified approach has been proposed to obtain a nearly exact solution in strain energy for linear problems. The proposed elements are also applied to improve the accuracy of the solution of nonlinear problems of large deformation. Numerical results for 2D (using αFEM-T3) and 3D (using αFEM-T4) problems confirm that the present method gives the much more accurate solution comparing to both the standard FEM and the N-SFEM with the same number of degrees of freedom and similar computational efforts for both linear and nonlinear problems.

  34. Estimation of modal loads using structural response

    Авторы: Jae-seung Hwang and Ahsan Kareem and Wha-jung Kim

    Описание: In this study an analytical procedure is developed based on the Kalman filtering approach to estimate modal loads applied on a structure using limited measured response of the structure. The effect of various variables such as the type of response, the noise level, and the level of uncertainty in dynamic properties of the structure, on the modal load estimation is evaluated in the frequency domain through numerical analysis for a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system. It is observed that the acceleration response is relatively more stable and robust in external load estimation than other response components. The noise is amplified at the high frequency range for the displacement or velocity response whereas in the case of acceleration response the noise is not amplified in the estimated external load. It is also found that the discrepancy between dynamic characteristics derived for an analytical model and the actual structure causes the transfer function from the actual load to the estimated load to distort near and below the structural natural frequency. The estimation of external loads is extended to a MDOF system. The results show that the modal loads can be estimated accurately from limited measurements of acceleration response on the basis of the assumption that the measured response can be transformed to the modal response by a proper orthogonal decomposition and the corresponding modal properties used for the transformation can be obtained by a system identification technique.

  35. A face-based smoothed finite element method (FS-FEM) for visco-elastoplastic analyses of 3D solids using tetrahedral mesh

    Авторы: T. Nguyen-Thoi and G.R. Liu and H.C. Vu-Do and H. Nguyen-Xuan

    Описание: A face-based smoothed finite element method (FS-FEM) using tetrahedral elements was recently proposed to improve the accuracy and convergence rate of the existing standard finite element method (FEM) for the solid mechanics problems. In this paper, the FS-FEM is further extended to more complicated visco-elastoplastic analyses of 3D solids using the von-Mises yield function and the Prandtl–Reuss flow rule. The material behavior includes perfect visco-elastoplasticity and visco-elastoplasticity with isotropic hardening and linear kinematic hardening. The formulation shows that the bandwidth of stiffness matrix of FS-FEM is larger than that of FEM, and hence the computational cost of FS-FEM in numerical examples is larger than that of FEM for the same mesh. However, when the efficiency of computation (computation time for the same accuracy) in terms of a posteriori error estimation is considered, the FS-FEM is more efficient than the FEM.

  36. Skew control of a quay container crane

    Авторы: Quang, H. N. and Hong, K. S.

    Описание: In this paper, the skew control of the load (container) in the quay crane used in the dockside of a container terminal is investigated. The mathematical model of the 3-dimensional (3D) motions of the load is first derived. The container hooked to a spreader is suspended by four ropes in air. When the container is accelerated by the trolley or is disturbed by winds, it will make a rotational motion (trim, list, and skew) as well as a sway motion in the vertical plane. In such a case, the position of the container becomes difficult to control accurately due to the rotational motion even with the sway motion under control. This paper proposes an input shaping technique for the skew control based on the 3D dynamics of the container. The adopted skew control system uses four electric motors to vary the length of the four ropes individually. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed system in controlling the skew motion.

  37. Studies for controlling human-induced vibration of the Pedro e Inês footbridge, Portugal. Part 2: Implementation of tuned mass dampers

    Авторы: Elsa Caetano and Álvaro Cunha and Carlos Moutinho and Filipe Magalhães

    Описание: The construction in Portugal of a relatively long and slender footbridge prone to pedestrian-induced vertical and lateral vibrations motivated an extensive study for the design and implementation of a control system based on a set of lateral and vertical tuned mass dampers (TMDs). This paper discusses the strategy adopted in the design and assessment of the efficiency of this control system, pointing out particular problems with the lateral TMDs that suggest that the currently adopted design methodologies are non-conservative. The research is based on a thorough experimental investigation of the footbridge's behaviour prior to implementation of the TMDs, the results of which are presented in the companion paper, and includes a full experimental characterisation of the implemented TMDs. Results of more than one year of continuous dynamic monitoring of the bridge are presented here; they generally indicate low levels of vibration and a reduced rate of activation of the TMDs.

  38. Tracking and anti-sway control for boom cranes

    Авторы: Jörg Neupert and Eckhard Arnold and Klaus Schneider and Oliver Sawodny

    Описание: This paper presents an anti-sway and tracking control for harbor mobile cranes. The control objective is the sway-free transportation of the crane's load taking the commands of the crane operator into account. Based on the mathematical model linearizing and stabilizing control laws for the slewing and luffing motion are derived using the input/output linearization approach. The operator's commands are smoothened online by a trajectory generator accounting for input and state constraints. The resulting optimal control problem is solved using the model predictive control approach. The efficiency of the control concept is illustrated with experiments on an industrial harbor mobile crane.

  39. A node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) for upper bound solution to visco-elastoplastic analyses of solids using triangular and tetrahedral meshes

    Авторы: T. Nguyen-Thoi and H.C. Vu-Do and T. Rabczuk and H. Nguyen-Xuan

    Описание: A node-based smoothed finite element method (NS-FEM) was recently proposed for the solid mechanics problems. In the NS-FEM, the system stiffness matrix is computed using the smoothed strains over the smoothing domains associated with nodes of element mesh. In this paper, the NS-FEM is further extended to more complicated visco-elastoplastic analyses of 2D and 3D solids using triangular and tetrahedral meshes, respectively. The material behavior includes perfect visco-elastoplasticity and visco-elastoplasticity with isotropic hardening and linear kinematic hardening. A dual formulation for the NS-FEM with displacements and stresses as the main variables is performed. The von-Mises yield function and the Prandtl–Reuss flow rule are used. In the numerical procedure, however, the stress variables are eliminated and the problem becomes only displacement-dependent. The numerical results show that the NS-FEM has higher computational cost than the FEM. However the NS-FEM is much more accurate than the FEM, and hence the NS-FEM is more efficient than the FEM. It is also observed from the numerical results that the NS-FEM possesses the upper bound property which is very meaningful for the visco-elastoplastic analyses which almost have not got the analytical solutions. This suggests that we can use two models, NS-FEM and FEM, to bound the solution, and can even estimate the global relative error of numerical solutions.

  40. Delayed reference control for multi-degree-of-freedom elastic systems: Theory and experimentation

    Авторы: G. Boschetti and D. Richiedei and A. Trevisani

    Описание: The objective of this paper is to provide an experimental proof of the effectiveness and ease of implementation of a non-time based control strategy for the simultaneous active vibration control and path tracking of multi-degree-of-freedom linear systems. What is peculiar in the proposed scheme, named DRC, is that it allows reducing elastic vibrations while guaranteeing coordinated motion among the system rigid-body degrees of freedom, and hence the accurate tracking of desired paths through space. The DRC is here applied to damp the oscillation of a load suspended to the moving platform of an Adept Quattro parallel robot by means of a cable.

  41. Rate limited time optimal control of a planar pendulum

    Авторы: Paoletti, P. and Genesio, R.

    Описание: Time optimal control problems often admit as solution bang-bang controls but they present several drawbacks in real applications where additional degrees of regularity are desirable. In this paper, the rate limited time optimal swing up of an inverted pendulum is considered and necessary conditions that have to be satisfied by optimal trajectories in the presence of rate constraints are derived. A comparison between this approach and the results from the standard time optimal problem is reported.

  42. Controlling the actions on crane gantries

    Авторы: Thoβ Reiner

    Описание: When analysing the actions on a crane gantry, there is some leeway on the crane side, but the actions that may be applied to an existing crane gantry are fixed unless constructional changes are made. In particular, when new cranes, often with higher safe working loads, are to be mounted on existing crane gantries, the loadbearing reserves should not be sought solely in the gantry, but instead primarily in the crane itself, or rather its parameters. Changing the crane parameters and adapting the crane design, e.g. longer wheelbase, horizontal guide wheels, softer buffers, etc., are better for the crane gantry. The horizontal forces acting on the crane gantry constitute the principal effects, and significant savings are possible here. But the risks must also be addressed. Advice and case studies plus damage and practical experience, including the mistakes that frequently occur in design and calculations, add up to a new approach to the design of crane gantries for overhead travelling and portal gantry cranes.

  43. Novel Approach for Adaptive Tracking Control of a 3-D Overhead Crane System

    Авторы: Yang, J. H. and Shen, S. H.

    Описание: Traditionally, overhead crane systems are operated by humans. However, automatic operation would reduce both the risk and the personnel costs. From the engineering viewpoint, the most important issues in crane motion are high positioning accuracy, short transportation time, small sway angle, and high safety. Hence, stabilization control is particularly concerned. In this paper, a novel adaptive control scheme including both the cart motion dynamics and the swing angle dynamics is designed to ensure the stability of the closed-loop system. No system parameters are needed, and accurate position tracking as well as minimal swing is achieved. The stability of the closed-loop system is proved via Lyapunov theory. Simulation studies and experiments are performed to demonstrate the validity of the proposed control scheme.

  44. H-infinity Filtering for Discrete-Time Systems With Stochastic Incomplete Measurement and Mixed Delays

    Авторы: Shi, P. and Luan, X. L. and Liu, F.

    Описание: This paper focuses on the H-infinity filtering problem for a class of discrete-time systems with stochastic incomplete measurement and mixed random delays. A more realistic and accurate measurement mode is proposed to compensate for the negative influence of both missing data and different time delays in a random way. In the system, all of the stochastic variables are mutually independent but satisfy the Bernoulli binary distribution. In particular, the stochastic infinite distributed delays are introduced in the discrete-time domain. Sufficient conditions for the existence of the admissible filter are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities, which ensures the asymptotic stability as well as a prescribed H-infinity performance for the filter errors. A simulation example is exploited to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedures.