DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kirill Voystrik
Date of birth Nov 20, 1991
Place of birth Makeevka
Schools school ¹ 58 of Makeevka, 1998-2008
Universities 2008–2012 – Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor), Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, specialty: Control Systems and Automation

2012–2014 – Donetsk National Technical University (master), Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation, specialty: Control Systems and Automation
Average score 4.0
Languages Russian and Ukrainian fluent, English — intermediate level, Czech — average.
Personal achievements List of personal achievements - training (winner of the All-Ukrainian competitions, contests and so on), scientific, sports and any other
Hobbies and interests fiction (science fiction and fantasy), computer games, the history of European monarchies and European wars
Personal qualities Commitment, responsibility, result-oriented, punctual.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows Xp, Vista, 7,8. Ubuntu.
2. Applications: Matcad, MathLab, LabView, Multisim.
3. Programming languages: Assembler, C, C++.
4. Environments:Visual Studio.
Additional courses, internships, grants no
Professional experience Public joint stock company "Donetsk Metal Works", 1 month.
Future plans first, of course, she received a master :) get a job, even if it is not their specialty. To master 1 — 2 foreign languages, have a family and then how it :)
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