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Cost management for today - is the process of of purposeful formation costs by type, place, or carriers, and constant control the level of resources and stimulate the economy. Found that the level operating expenses depend strongly on efficiency of functioning enterprise and its competitiveness. Therefore, cost management is an important function of the economic mechanism of each enterprise.

1. Topicality of the subject

Continuous movement, changing the cost of production makes them difficult to study, but the need for their research will only increase. Ukraine is still adjusting to the functioning of a market economy. So, all the price fluctuations that occur in the world, we still occur with greater amplitude, and all because of the weakness of the economy and the wrong policies of the state in the field of industry. Setting minimum prices does not have the enterprise to develop. Continually changing prices for raw materials, spare parts, fuel, electricity, and that of the costs of the enterprise. And if not rationally allocate the use of all these resources, even a slight increase in the cost of each item will result in a loss.

2. The purpose and tasks of the research.

The purpose of the research and development of theoretical and methodological principles for managing production costs, cost management systems in the enterprise. To achieve this goal have been formulated the following objectives:

  1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of the essence of cost management.
  2. Exploration expenditure classifications.
  3. Analysis of the organizational structure of the system of cost management.
  4. Diagnosis effectiveness of cost management in the enterprise.
  5. Identify reserves to reduce the cost of production.
  6. Justification of the choice of methods of cost management.
  7. To provide recommendations to improve cost management system.

The object of research is the process of managing expenses and production costs.

Subject of research are theoretical principles and methodological approaches of cost management company.

3. Analysis of the last research and publications

A significant contribution to addressing improve approaches to the management and optimization of costs made our scientists P.I. Atamas, S.V. Goals, M.G. Greschak, A.S. Kotsyuba, A.V. Krushelnitskaya, A.M. Turilo, A.N. Asaul, G.L. Bagiev, G.A. Krayukhina, P. Labzunov, V.M. Prudnikov. However, in the works of these researchers are not well covered issues of a systemic approach to cost management in the enterprise.

4. The main material

The first section discusses the statistics, the analysis of which leads to the conclusion that the cost management and control system of the enterprises are currently not effective enough. We analyzed concepts such as the cost, the definition of the term "cost management" domestic and foreign authors. To create a clear and orderly pattern of expenditure in accordance with solved problems was a classification of costs.

The second section was held diagnostics effectiveness of cost management in the enterprise, consider reserves to reduce costs and reasonable methods of cost management to improve management in the enterprise.

The third section will provide a mechanism for the implementation of the chosen methods to improve cost management system in the enterprise, and to assess the cost-effectiveness of the proposed recommendations.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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