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Ìàãèñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Ëåâ÷åíêî Àðòåì Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷

Artem Levchenko

Faculty: Economics

Speciality: Economics of enterprise

The theme of the master's work:


Scientific leader: PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Sergei Kravchenko

Materials on the theme of master's work:

Author's Abstract

Name Artem Levchenko
Date of birth 18.07.1990
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Donetsk College ¹ 12
University 2012–2013 Donetsk National Technical University, master «economics of enterprise». 
2008–2012 Donetsk State University of Management, "IM " (Bachelor)
Average score Average score during Bachelor course 4,35.
Languages Russian language (in perfection), Ukrainian (in perfection) English, Cesky
Personal achievements Champion of Ukraine to shooting.
Hobby Practical shooting, hunting, books (History Ancient Rome Law, Jurisprudence, Russian hunting) Numizmatic Collection(Collectibles coins), music (audiophile), cars.
Personal qualities Responsible,executive, punctual.
Computer skills 1. OS Windows.
2. MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
Work No
Future plans successfully completed master's degree, employment in the specialty.
Contact information E–mail:;

Resume | Author's Abstract

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