Curriculum vitae

Name Sukhanov Ivan
Date of birth 03.06.1991
Place of birth Donetsk
School School Donetsk number 54
University Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Audit, 2008-2012;

Masters, Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, Innovation Management, 2012-2014.
Average Average during training at the undergraduate - 3.41.
Languages skill Russian language (fluent), Ukrainian (fluent), English (intermediate).
Personal Achievements Deputy head of Student's self-government.
Hobby KVN, computer technologies
Personal qualities Skill to communicate, flexibility, ability to permission of the emergency situations, the active living position, self-confidence
Computer Skills DOS, Windows, Linux
Programming languages: C++
Technology Internet: HTML, CSS
Plans for the future The house on the Maldives
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