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World experience indicates that to achieve a high level of preparedness of social capital can be achieved by development and implementation of a developed mechanism of perfection of quality management system (QMS) of enterprises, which includes the results of generalization of the international system of quality management (TQM) and principles of international standards MS ISO series 9000 with account of specific features of the education sector.

1. The actuality of the topic

In modern conditions of development of economy, the education sector plays an important role, which is determined by the specific function of the formation and improvement of the active element of innovative development of human capital, i.e. market resources. However, education can be considered as an economic process, in which we examine the principles of functioning of market of educational services, criteria and indicators, methods of calculation of socio–economic efficiency of educational activities, as well as prospects of development of education in the conditions of integration and innovation processes in the world economy.

2. Goal and tasks of research

The purpose of this paper is to examine the concepts of quality management system, improvement of educational services by implementing the system, its positive and negative features, to identify effective ways to motivate students to learn. Identification of global trends of development of education Informatization and presentation of international standards in the field of ICT training, which will provide an opportunity for Ukraine to raise its own level of quality of education, development of methodological approaches, methods and scientific–practical recommendations on development of the mechanism of perfection of system of a quality management of the activity of enterprises of the market of educational services.

3. Analysis of the last researches and publications

The state Informatization in the world is seen for ten years and analyzed the prospects of its development [ 1 , 3] , but in the aspect of education quality and standardization are covered insufficiently , therefore it is necessary to analyze in detail the trends of the development of Informatization in the world , existing standards and draft standards in the field of information and communication technologies in education ( ICTE ) and e–learning .

4. The basic material

Today to gain a worthy place among the leading countries of the world community new era Ukraine is facing the challenge of reducing the isolation from the world tendencies of economic and social development. The solution of this problem is possible only for citizens who have a high educational level corresponding to modern requirements.

The international organization for standardization (ISO) adopted the following definition of quality: Quality is the degree to which a set of own characteristics satisfies requirements" [1]. Achieve quality characteristics depends on the management, which ensures its size, the complex and combinations. Quality is not only seen as the result of activity, but also as a possibility of its achievement in the form of internal capabilities and external conditions [6, p.77; 8, S. 120].

It should be noted that in recent years has been some changes in the reform of higher education of Ukraine, namely:

Considering the above, to improve the quality of higher education of Ukraine should:

Thus, the system of higher education of Ukraine, the current deposits of the day, it becomes more open, flexible, capable of self-development towards global models, tailored to the needs of modernity, while preserving national characteristics and positive achievements of Russian educational and scientific schools. Therefore, the basic strategy Giya development of the higher education system is systematic improvement of quality of educational activity and the quality of higher education.

Development and introduction of new educational standards is one of the key factors of innovative changes in the content and forms of the educational process in the universities. In accordance with the requirements of the new generation standards to ensure the quality of education, assess the degree of satisfaction with the quality of education of subjects of the the educational process is introduced quality monitoring teaching the following disciplines. Proven form monitoring is a survey of students on the work of the teachers.

Assessment of the quality of teaching the composition of students is an important part of the system of internal quality assessment the educational process. It allows to get objective information about the teaching staff; to set the degree of conformity of the content and quality the requirements established in the Constitution and educational standards. The systematic conducting of monitoring allows to detect positive and negative tendencies, to establish the reasons the increase or decrease in the quality of teachers ' activity in different periods of their work.

The opinion of students is essential in assessing as such spheres of activity of University teachers, as pedagogical, because students feel her the influence and are partners of the teacher in the educational process.

The focus of specialized accreditation (i.e. accreditation of educational programmes), as a rule, is only the essential part of the learning process: fundamental knowledge, special knowledge, practical skills, design skills, the use of computers. It is important to note that if at institutional accreditation of some of the shortcomings of the University activity can be compensated at the expense of other advantages, specialized accreditation to the principle of the educational program is so strong, how strong its weakest link. The program is accredited only if all its units meet the criteria. The main functions of specialized accreditation is quality; sufficient financial and human resources (including scheme, staff development).

On the basis of system approach for determining the system of higher education deposits (NWO) consists of three integrated components:
The NWO is a set of system components and shall tion between them:

Thus, based on the system approach, the objectives of the educational sea systems should be set in the language requirements of a modern person and, first of all, demands of his readiness to solve problems-problems at all levels levels of public and private life: from global to household foot - and all three types of problems-problems of survival, functioning and development.

The most high requirements (let's conditionally call them "full")  to modern man, obviously, should be directly related to  the objectives of higher education, as well as for further education and  self-the part of members of society who have already had their time  mA higher education. For all links of educational system, preceding  sneeze higher education, the requirements to a person and, accordingly, the objectives  these links of educational system will be some from  the full requirements for a modern man, relevant it  NML higher education.

Based on the above conceptual provisions in Research research centre of problems of quality of preparation of experts developed the General structure of the requirements of a modern person with higher education them as the overall structure of the main goals of higher education or educated STI graduates of higher educational institutions, as the main result of the system higher education.

Under the criterion of quality (quality assessment of higher education are understood when signs of attainment (including the excess of the objectives of the higher education system (social norms on the quality of higher education).

Given the above structure of higher education quality are distinguished there are three groups of criteria of quality:

  1. The criteria of quality education graduates (in accordance with structure of quality).
  2. The criteria of the internal system of quality in higher education (rela accordance with the structure of quality).
  3. The criteria for the external quality of the higher education system as criteria the quality (efficiency) of the impact of higher education on society of the University activity can be compensated at the expense of other advantages, specialized accreditation to the principle of the educational program is so strong, how strong its weakest link. The program is accredited only if all its units meet the criteria.
  4. The main functions of specialized accreditation is quality; sufficient financial and human resources (including scheme, staff development).

On the basis of system approach for determining the system of higher education deposits (NWO) consists of three integrated components:
The NWO is a set of system components and shall tion between them:

Thus, based on the system approach, the objectives of the educational sea systems should be set in the language requirements of a modern person and, first of all, demands of his readiness to solve problems-problems at all levels of public and private life: from global to household foot - and all three types of problems-problems of survival, functioning and development.

The most high requirements (let's conditionally call them "full") to modern man, obviously, should be directly related to the objectives of higher education, as well as for further education and self-the part of members of society who have already had their time a higher education. For all links of educational system, preceding sneeze higher education, the requirements to a person and, accordingly, the objectives these links of educational system will be some from the full requirements for a modern man, relevant it NML higher education.

Based on the above conceptual provisions in Research research centre of problems of quality of preparation of experts developed the General structure of the requirements of a modern person with higher education them as the overall structure of the main goals of higher education or educated STI graduates of higher educational institutions, as the main result of the system higher education. Under the criterion of quality (quality assessment of higher education are understood when signs of attainment (including the excess of the objectives of the higher education system (social norms on the quality of higher education).

Given the above structure of higher education quality are distinguished there are three groups of criteria of quality:

  1. The criteria of quality education graduates (in accordance with structure of quality).
  2. The criteria of the internal system of quality in higher education (relaaccordance with the structure of quality).
  3. The criteria for the external quality of the higher education system as criteria the quality (efficiency) of the impact of higher education on society.


Competence approach allows to provide high quality of training specialists in innovative education system and to develop the subject of the skills of orientation in unpredictable and rapidly changing conditions, to build a sense of responsibility for the results of their work. However, we note that the preparation for innovation activities should begin in the secondary educational establishment, and then continued in the University where the student shape and develop appropriate competences, creative intelligence. Innovative prepared student, specialist of the new formation, ready–effective innovative activity, will be in demand on the labour market today and in the future. Conclusions Innovative activities may be carried out on improvement of educational theory and practice, can be presented in various forms: in the technology, techniques, projects, programs, and so on, But at the same time innovative development of some directions of activity of the educational establishment affects all the activities as a whole system, leads to self–development of all its elements.

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