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DonNTU Master Yulia Tregubova

Yulia Tregubova

Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)

Department of àrtificial intelligence systems (AIS)

Speciality Computer systems and networks

Reseach of method of thematically oriented classification for Internet search results

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Professor Sergey Voronoy

Brief resume

Name Yulia Tregubova
Date of birth May 7th, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 1998–2007 — multi-college #5, Volnovaha, 1–9 class;
2007–2009 — lyceum Intelect, Donetsk, 10–11 class
Universities 2009–2011 — University of Informatics and Artificial Intellegent, specialty on Artificial intelligence systems, Bachelor
2011–2013 — Donetsk National Technical University, specialty on Artificial intelligence systems, Bachelor
2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, specialty on Artificial intelligence systems, Master
Average score 4.81 during Bachelor course.
Languages Russian — native
Ukrainian — free
English — basic
Personal achievements 2007–2009 — editor of newspaper GUL;
2000–2004 — the diploma from the art school
Hobbies and interests Games (WoT), books (fiction books, fantasy), music (different rock direction), sports: cross-country skiing, bicycle
Personal qualities Dedication, responsibility, diligently, discipline, punctual
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Microsoft Windows.
2. Freely possession graphics editors: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop Lightroom.
3. Programming languages: C/C++, Visual Ñ#.
4. Environments, basic: Microsoft Access, MySQL.
5. Created web-applications using: HTML / CSS.
Additional courses, internships, grants Volunteering in the European football championship in Donetsk (EURO–2012)
Professional experience without experience
Future plans Successful defense of the master's work, employment prospects of career growth, to continue learning English
Contact information julsta7@rambler.ru