
Name Baenko Dmitry
Birthday April 23, 1992
Birthplace City Donetsk
School Of 1999 – 2009 — Komsomolskaya ZOSh stages I-III (11 classes)
University 2009–2013 — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, specialty: Development of mineral deposits, bachelor                     
2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University, mountain faculties, specialty: Mining, MSc
Languages Ukrainian, Russian – fluent; English – pre-intermediate  
Personal Achievements Runner-regional competition for the English language.                    
Hobby Football, volleyball.                                                            
Personal qualities responsibility, a desire to grow, the ability to learn quickly, teamwork.
Professional specialization and computer skills Operating Systems Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, is familiar with the package Microsoft Office (Word, Exel, Power Point)                                      
Experience 2013–2014. Komsomolsk-ore / management "Metinvest" overman blasting.                                          
Future Plans Graduate from the university, get a good position in the company, to create a family.
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