DonNTU Master Dubitskiy Sergey

Dubitskiy Sergey

Institute of Mining and Geology

Department of Production Management

Specialty "Management of mining enterprises"

Justification mining development plan for stratum l3 public company "DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbas"

Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Ass. Pr. Skazhenik Vladimir Borisovich




  In modern conditions of Ukraine's coal industry coal industry is undergoing structural changes associated with the necessity of privatization of coalmines. In market conditions for each mine first necessary is to provide lucrative work, so in a constantly changing internal and external environment, you must promptly correct the work of the mines. You need to improve the system of making planning decisions. This work is devoted to the analysis of modern systems of planning and development of mining enterprises on the basis of this conceptual approach to planning in the coal mines.

1. Topicality

  In a market, economy for the successful operation of coal mining enterprises of Ukraine has become increasingly important planning process, which is a tool that provides enterprise response to changing external and internal conditions of operation [1].

2. Research goals and objectives

  Aim of this study is to validate the approaches to planning activities coalmines in modern conditions. To achieve these goals it is necessary to solve the following problems:

  -To analyze the planning process in the coal mines;

  -Identify features of the coalmines as facilities management;

  -An analysis of contemporary foreign planning systems at mines;

  -Develop conceptual approaches to improve the planning system in coalmines.

3. Analysis of modern planning systems of mining production

  Need for domestic and foreign scholars [2–4] have repeatedly emphasized spatial modeling of mining operations. Current level of development of computer hardware and software provide the possibility in principle solving mine planning based on three–dimensional modeling. For decisions on stock assessment, planning and design of mining operations in the world practice integrated computer systems mountain. The most famous are the products of Gemcom, Micromine, Vulcan, Datamine [5].

  In these systems, originally planned to create three–dimensional models of the fields and the decision of the interconnected complex tasks of mining on the basis of the constructed models. This approach corresponds to the nature of mining facilities and nature of tasks.

  Planning problem solved in integrated computer systems, typically identical in its function and includes the following steps:

  -Calculation of the volume of mining and preparation work for periods planning based on the performance of the equipment;

  -Three–dimensional visualization of mining development with the release of colors waste sites mining units and conducted excavations in various planning periods;

  -Charting, reflecting the beginning and ending work in mining faces, as well as the timing of development workings;

  -Visualization of diagrams linked to tabular data reflecting the volume and tonnage extracted mineral planning by period;

  -Reflection on the charts traffic on slaughter mining and mineral processing plants.

  Programs provide an interactive user interaction with the system, which creates conditions for multivariate consideration scenarios of mining operations, control of possible restrictions. As a result, the system allows you to select the desired option with the planned capacity of the mining enterprise and acceptable quality of the rock mass.

  In most integrated systems implemented mountain profile geostatistical methods of counting stocks. Block model of the deposit can be viewed in accordance with the distribution of the useful component. Colours block model, reflecting the characteristics of the mineral, mining units simplifies set in accordance with the required quality and quantity parameters of rock mass.

  The system provides automatic slicing Datamine mining units taking into account spatial and technological constraints [5].

  When planning for underground mining is well proven system Mine2–4D [6]. The features of this system:

  -Integration of prospective and current planning;

  -Implementation of the concept of continuous planning — when change in short–term plan is automatically translated medium and long–term plans;

  -Algorithmization sequence of work, taking into account rules and constraints of the implementation of processes mining operations, including the construction of a plan for system mine workings;

  -Synchronization measurement of financial performance Business plan with any changes.

  These features, in fact, is characterized by modern requirements for the implementation of automated systems planning for mining companies.

4. Conceptual approaches to mine planning in coal mines

   In the current practice of planning coal mines usually uses the following documents: Plan of mine workings in reservoir; a schedule of retirement — lavas; Plan of mining. On the number of mines is additionally formed documents: a map of the mine workings; application equipment and materials necessary for the preparation and installation of lava; schedule of cleaning equipment; schedule of the main mining and tunneling equipment. Frequency of formation of these documents or related to the formation of the annual production of the program, or the development of new business plans for the mine. In everyday activities mines prevails usually situational, not system planning. This is explained by the presence of many factors that lead to violations of previously developed plans and the complexity of the operational parameters of conversion plan linking with operational strategies and the actual values of the influencing factors. In addition, there are objective reasons for the relative stability of the developed plans — a number of decisions in mining constitute inertia in implementing and interdependent, so such decisions, despite their inaccuracy manifested in the current situation, it is impossible to change.

  Modern approaches to the management of mining operations involve integrated mining enterprise modeling, scenario analysis, operative revision of operational and tactical plans for the production conditions change, linking solutions with the highest level of the operating strategy.

  Due to constant changes in the space front preparatory and mining operations varies relative positioning of mining, transport characteristics and ventilation schemes, the stress state of the rock mass. Decisions on the development of mining operations determine possible restrictions on the maximum load on the mining operations, the possible negative manifestations of rock pressure, the concentration of mining. All this ultimately affects the economic performance and the safety of mining operations. Adoption of appropriate decisions regarding the development of mining operations at underground coal mining due to the need to consider the spatial configuration of the network mining and presenting their relative position in the dynamics.

  In the coal mines of Ukraine is currently the main tool in the planning of mining operations — spreadsheets and systems automation project (AutoCAD, Compass). Graphic illustration schedules of mining operations, typically represented by planar models.

  Applied technology development schedules using spreadsheets basically provides the solution and computation tasks schematic reflection of the timing of the completion of the work and in mining and development faces, the movement equipment.

  Shortcoming of existing approaches is the low degree of automation of calculations, the inability to link accounts with full graphical presentation of results, the lack of communication with other tasks.

  Technology planning in coal mines was considered an example of " DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbas ".

  Golf shafts excavated 6th vertical shafts: Central twin trailers the cage and central assimilated by block air supply and ventilation. Circuit training mine field — block. The project provides for the preparation of the four blocks of size 2.0–4.5km along strike and 1–1.25km down dip. Circuit training within each block — pogorizontnaya. Horizons laid at elevations 418m, 628m. 810m from the device at these horizons main haulage and ventilation and drainage drifts.

  Mining system — Pillar (long poles to revolt, strike).

  Pittwater production is 541 m3/hr.

  Mine is classified as dangerous to sudden outbursts of coal I gas.

  Mine fulfills four coal seams T brand:

  Coal bed l7 capacity of 1.0–1.05m immediate roof — clay, silt, silty shale, and sandstone. Clayey shale unstable (B2) and very unstable (B1), with coal extraction collapses to a height of 0.1–0.6 m to 6m. Main roof — medium collapses (A2).

  Reservoir capacity of 1.1 l6–13m. Substituting strong immediate roof sandstone (B2). Main roof represented rocks close to the rocks on the description of the immediate roof (A3 + A2).

  Coal bed l4 simple structure seasoned power within 0,90–1,01m Lies directly in the roof clay and sand shale. Unstable shales. Main roof represented easily and medium collapses shales (A1, A2).

  Coal bed l3 capacity 1.26–1.45 m, the immediate roof — limestone, slate, clay (B2). Main roof — medium collapses (A2).

  Conditions designed to mine schedule–mining development picture 1. With software Rudnik 3D [7] developed a three–dimensional model of mining operations at the mine in picture 2.

Picture 1 — the planned mining development plan

Picture 2 — Three–dimensional model of mining operations:

1 — ventilation shaft; 2 — air supply trunk; 3 — 4 northern lava; 5 — layer l3; 6 — the earth's surface; 7 — pit bottom; 8 — 4 northern pipeline development of lava; 9 — air supply generation 3 northern lava.

  Modern integrated mining system in coal mines in Ukraine have not yet received proper distribution for several reasons. Implementation of such systems requires a significant investment, the restructuring of the individual departments and specialists in general, training specialists. In addition, foreign systems sometimes impossible to prepare a graphical documentation in the format adopted in the enterprise and the required regulatory bodies. All this hinders the spread of innovative information processing technology.

  Summarizing the requirements for building systems planning mining operations and planning experience in the coal mines, we can formulate the following conceptual approaches to the problems of planning the development of mining activities:

  -planning system should be based on a comprehensive account of the influence of factors internal and external environment, provide payment plans interconnected primary and secondary processes, resource calculation on the options of the plan;

  -radical improvement of decision–making should be based on the implementation of integrated management systems of mining production, ensuring the creation of a common information base, spatial modeling of mining operations, dynamic adjustment decisions when conditions change; effective implementation of planning systems should be provided reorganization of the geological, surveying, technical, economic planning services company in terms of orientation of these services on the joint preparation and use of the database and computer model of mine.

5. Conclusion

  An analysis of modern planning systems of coal enterprises goals and objectives of the master's work. The study results obtained 3D modeling a defined. Putting all dependencies can formulate an optimal plan of mining and decision–making routine work in the coal mines.

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