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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kazub Bogdan
Date of birth 21.11.1991
Place of birth Donetsk
School DPG number 122 (Donetsk profile Gymnasium) Budionovskiy rn
Universities Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, branch of science "Management of mining production", Bachelor
2010–2013 gg. — Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Economics, the direction of science "Business Economics"
2013–2015 gg. — Donetsk National Technical University, Mining Faculty, branch of science "Mining", a master's degree
Average score 5
Languages Russian (native)
Ukrainian (native)
English (medium level)
Personal achievements Participated in the regional championship and Ukraine on the fight , won prizes
Hobbies and interests Games (sports, educational), books (history, philosophy), music (various)
Personal qualities Determination , perseverance , the ability to smooth out conflicts , kindness, honesty, openness
Professional and computer skills Operating Systems : Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Application Areas : Microsoft Office, OpenOffice
Additional courses, internships, grants Language courses (England) , courses on strategic management and planning.
Professional experience Took educational practice at the mine Butovskaya after practice working on mine for a long time
Future plans In the future we plan to protect the master's work. Continuously improve their professional skills. Travel the world.
Contact information Email: kazub.bgdan@rambler.ru