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The name of student Sych Helen
Date of births February 3, 1991
Place of birth Novoekonomicheskoe, Donetsk region
1997–2006  Secondary school levels I–III in Novoekonomicheskoe
High educational institution
2008–2012 Dontsk National Tehcnical University (DonNTU) Bachelor of speciality Safety of labor activity;
2012–2014 Dontsk National Tehcnical University (DonNTU) Master of speciality Safety of labor activity
Average score 4.7
Languages Russian and Ukrainian – native, English – basic
Personal achievements
2009 Receipt of diploma on speciality Hairdressing;
2010–2014 Receipt of enhanceable grants
Personal qualities Courtesy, responsibility, executiveness
Possession by computer
  1. Operating systems: MS Windows;
  2. Applications: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Kompas 3D;
  3. Internet-technology: HTML, CSS
2010, 2011 mine named after A. Stakhanov, engineer on a labour protection
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