Русский Українська
ДонНТУ   Портал магистров

Brief resume

Name Ekaterina Andiberja
Date of birth july 8, 1991 .
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Borowskaja high school №1, 1998-2007.
Universities Zuevsky Energy College 2007-2011 years , Donetsk national technical university 2008-2012 years (bachelor) Donetsk national technical university 2012-2014 years(master)
Average score
Languages Russian and Ukrainian (fluent), Deutsch (basic level)
Hobbies and interests books, music,needlework
Personal qualities commitment, responsibility, kindness
Professional and computer skills
1. Application areas: MS Office, MathCAD. 2. Internet-technologies: HTML, CSS, MathCAD; HTML.
Additional courses Boiler room operator
Future plans Find a promising job in the specialty; Secure a financial independence; Learning foreign languages; Develop and expand their horizons; Send a round the world trip
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