DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Krivoy Dmitriy
Date of birth Apr 2, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Schools ¹ 94, 1997 – 2008
Òechnical school DEMT, rolling production 2008 - 2011 .
ÂÓÇ DonNTU, department of Metal Forming, 2011 – 2014 – bachalor degree, 2014 – 2015 – master's degree
Average score 4.3
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (native), English language - "basic level"
Hobbies and interests Football, tennis, billiards
Personal qualities sociability, honesty,sense of purpose, kindness, energy, tenderness
Computer skills 1. Operating systems – Windows XP, Windows 7
2. Funds Office: MS Office 98/2000/2003/2007, MS PowerPoint.
Future plans In the near future, after the end of the Magistrates, I want find a promising job specialty
The contact information The address in contact: