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Brief resume

Name Inna Torhunova-Klimenko
Date of birth May 7, 1993
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools school №36(2000 - 2003);
school №45 (2003 - 2008);
gymnasium №11 (2000 - 2010).
Universities Undergraduate - Donetsk National Technical University (2010 - 2014)
magistracy - Donetsk National Technical University (2014 - 2016).
Average score Mean score in training at university 4.6.
Languages Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.
Personal achievements They had, I work a lot!
Hobbies and interests My hobbies are sports, crafts, reading different books, I love to draw.
Personal qualities Good organizational skills, initiative and result-oriented, adequate self-esteem.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98 / XP / Windows 7.
2.Matematychni packages: MathCAD.
3. Programming languages: Delphi.
4. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS.
5. Office suite: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
Future plans Defended his master's work, of course, to build a happy family, and realized professionally.
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