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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Valeriia Chizh
Date of birth Jan 16, 1994
Place of birth Makeevka
Schools 2001-2012 Makeevka comprehensive secondary school No. 34
2012–2016 ãã. —2012–2016 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, specialty Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials — Bachelor’s degree;
2016–2018 ãã. —2016–2018 — Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, specialty Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials — Master’s degree
Average score 88
Languages Russian,ukrainian —loosely;
english —basic level, sufficient for reading and correspondence
Personal achievements Speeches at conferences:
IX International scientific conference graduate students and students Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, 2015
X International scientific conference graduate students and students Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, awarded the diploma for the best report.2016
Hobbies and interests Music, traveling, active rest
Personal qualities Responsibility, decency, sociability, purposefulness, the ability to bring to the end, punctuality
Professional and computer skills 1.Operating systems: Windows XP, 7;
2. Programming languages: Pascal;
3.Programs:Ìathcad, Statgraphics, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ 3D, text and table editors of the type Word, Excel, Access;
4. System preparation of presentations Power Point
Future plans Find an interesting and promising work, achieve career growth, constantly improve the professional level. I plan to study foreign languages, as well as visit as many countries as possible
Contact information E-mail: shoor_valeriya@mail.ru