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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Alina Chumarina
Date of birth Feb 14, 1995
Place of birth Makeevka, Donetsk region
Schools 2001-2007 - School ¹ 88, Donetsk
2007-2012 - School ¹ 18, Makeevka
Universities 2012-2016 - Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering, speciality Equipment environmental technologies, bachelor
2016-2018 - Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of ecology and chemical technology, speciality Machines and apparatuses of chemical productions, master
Average score 92 À
Languages Russian - native, Ukrainian - perfectly, English - basic
Personal achievements - participation in Ukrainian school contests and olympiads in physics, Russian and geography;
- participation in the student scientific and technical conference Mathematical culture of an engineer (DonNTU, Donetsk); VII Regional conference Ñomplex use of natural resources (DonNTU, Donetsk); II International scientific-practical conference Innovative prospects of Donbass (DonNTU, Donetsk); VI International scientific-practical conference Science. Technology. Innovations (Usinsk city, Komi Republic);
- first place for the best report at the X International scientific conference of postgraduates and students Ånvironmental protection and rational use of natural resources, section IV (DonNTU, Donetsk);
- third place in the Republican student's olympiad Ñivil defense and security of vital activity, section Ñivil defense (DonNTU, Donetsk)
Hobbies and interests Books (classic, science fiction, fantasy, adventure); roller skating and skating; painting, music
Personal qualities Orderliness, persistence, fast learner, analytic skills
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems:
- Windows XP/7/8/10
2. Applications:
- text editor Word and spreadsheet editor Excel;
- presentation system PowerPoint;
- database management system Access;
- text recognition system ABBYY FineReader
3. Programming languages:
- Pascal;
- Visual Basic
4. Environments:
- AutoCAD;
- Mathcad;
- APM WinMachine;
5. Graphics editors:
- Paint;
- Picasa
Professional experience July, 2015 - manufacturing practice at the ñoke plant Makeevkoks
July, 2017 - scientific and research practice at the Yasinovka Coke
Future plans To self-actualize in professional activity, to visit different countries
Contact information E-mail: alina_ch14@mail.
vk: id221370866