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In today's rapidly changing economic situation, it is impossible to achieve positive results without planning their actions and not predicting the consequences. Planning is the definition of the goal of developing a managed object, methods, ways and means to achieve it, developing a program, an action plan of varying degrees of detail for the near and future prospects.

The business plan for integrated production of environmentally friendly products is the production and sale of products that are manufactured taking into account the requirements of environmental standards for its cultivation, processing, production and consumption, and taking into account the subsequent disposal and destruction of waste generated at all stages of life cycle of this product. To confirm its environmental safety, an environmental certification procedure and a corresponding marking are carried out (a logo is printed on the label).


The works of domestic and foreign authors on business planning, enterprise economics, finance, planning, accounting and financial analysis are theoretical and methodological bases of the thesis work. Also, regulatory documents regulating the activities of the company in the field of accounting, taxation were used. [ 1 ]

The last decade is an acute problem of the quality of food and food raw materials. The main source of a huge amount of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, necessary for a person was and remains dairy products. Currently, there is a problem of supplying products to the territory of Donbass. At the moment, the delivery of dairy products comes from the Russian Federation and Belarus, most of the products go through the ultra-pasteurization stage in order to extend the shelf life of the food product, destroying most of the useful things. Currently, the state operates enterprises that produce dairy products using traditional technologies and there is a regressive change in the quality of products provided to consumers. Therefore, to solve this problem, we need our own competitive environmental production, which would guarantee the quality and food safety of our dairy products. [ 2 ]

2. Purpose and objectives of the study, planned results

Integrated production of ecological clean products is the combination of the production capacity of an enterprise with the raw material base of a given production, an ecological farm.

The goal of the business plan is to open a production complex for the production of environmentally friendly safe dairy products, as well as to evaluate the expected economic results of the business and justify the profitability of the project.

The company's objectives are to organize the continuous production and sale of organic dairy products, namely milk, cheese, sour cream, kefir and dietary whey drinks, in order to profit from this product


The objectives of environmental production:

  1. Production and marketing of quality environmentally friendly safe products;
  2. Working hours of the customer base of customers during 2 years of work;
  3. Organization of workplaces for citizens of the city of Donetsk.
  4. Ensure that the project initiator and staff are employed and stable salaries.
  5. Increasing the competitiveness of the state environmental market.

Tasks of ecological farming:

  1. Ensure the production of ecological dairy products with quality raw materials;
  2. Creating new jobs in the. Grain of the Starobeshevsky district.
  3. Enhancing regional competitiveness and environmental security.

Opening of the integrated enterprise will allow to optimize the sales structure in the direction of increasing high-quality dairy products, provide consumers with safer products, increase the range of products offered, ensure high quality products through an environmentally friendly higher grade of raw materials and technologies for dairy products.

3. Environmental plan


Dairy enterprises consume a lot of energy, this is due to the need for heat energy to produce hot water and steam for technological purposes (for example, for pasteurization). To reduce energy consumption, a number of measures have been proposed in the business plan to minimize the energy intensity of production: one of them is the transition to alternative energy sources. For this purpose, we selected solar batteries with an area of ??226 m2, the power of photomodules of 35 kWh, the annual output of which would amount to 37820.1 kWh, which will reduce energy consumption and reduce the load on the environment.          

The solution of potential problems with waste water is their use in irrigation systems, which allows to combine their effective cleaning with increasing crop yields and prevents pollution of reservoirs. In addition, other methods are involved, such as installing grids to reduce or prevent the entry of solids into the wastewater discharge system, the introduction of the best cleaning methods, the installation of grease traps, devices for removing contaminants from the surface of water or water-oil separators for separating pop-up solids, flows of sewage.


What would be achieved by the enterprise, the process of non-waste production, is necessary, a set of technologies that have a certain flexibility, allowing the use of alternative technological processes and varying the range of finished products. The products of the additional assortment usually do not have such stable sales as the main products (butter, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.). The multivariate nature of technological solutions will help to eliminate this shortcoming.


One of the main waste products of dairy products is whey, left from the production of cottage cheese, contains lactose and a large number of protein substances. Therefore, it can be used in the production of dietary whey drinks. This variant of processing of this by-product is optimal, since it does not require the use of complex expensive equipment and its technology is very simple. The whole process of preparation of drinks consists in adding a juice base (concentrate) to the serum, followed by homogenization for qualitative dissolution and distribution of components. [ 7 ]

Source list

  1. Butler D. Business Planning: What you need to start your own business successfully: Translation from English. Publishing house "Peter", 2003 - p.49
  2. Shaforostova MN, Demura LN Justification of the business project on the complex production of ecologically pure dairy products. "Innovative prospects of Donbass" - Donetsk, DonNTU, - 2017, p.140
  3. Grebenkin SS, Kostenko VK, Matlak ES, Shaforostova MN and others "System-economic aspects of the ecologization of production and enterprise management." Under the Society. Ed. Grebenkin SS, Kostenko VK - Donetsk "VIC", 2010 - 401 p.
  4. Meffert G., Kirkgeorg M. "Green" marketing // Marketing / Ed. M. Baker. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 567 with.
  5. Tikhomirova NA, Technology and organization of production of milk and dairy products. - M.: DeLi print. 2007. - p.76
  6. Krus G.N., Khramtsov AG, Volokitina EV, Karpychev S.V. Technology of milk and dairy products. Ed. A.M. Shalygin. - Moscow: Colossus, 2006. - 455 p.
  7. GOST R ISO 14044-2007 Environmental management. Life cycle assessment. Requirements and recommendations
  8. Ryzhkov SS, Litvak SN, Skorokhodov VA and others. Environmental management and audit: a textbook for universities; Ed. S.S. Ryzhkov; Nat. un-t shipbuilding them. adm. Makarov. - Ed. 3rd, revised. - M.: Professional, 2009. - 208 with. - 2 copies.