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Attention! While working on the essay the master`s dissertation is still being written. Expectable date of completing the dissertation is June, 2019. The complete text of the dissertation and materials on the research topic can be received from the author or his scientific adviser after the specified date.



The sustainable development of our republic directly depends on the competitiveness of domestic products, which, in turn, depends on the quality of control, that is, on the level of testing laboratories. The specification of testing laboratories requires a special system for recognizing their competence. Their accreditation analyzes the results of analytical work. Since 2017, the republican accreditation system has been operating in the DPR, and the powers of the republican accreditation body are assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Each testing laboratory must be competitive, confirm the quality of its tests and meet certain requirements, i.e. be independent, impartial, inviolable and technically competent. Compliance with these requirements (accreditation criteria) is checked during accreditation of testing laboratories. This procedure is very important for the testing laboratory and gives it the right to conduct certification tests along with the usual tests. Thus, for a more successful operation of the testing laboratory, it is necessary to go through the accreditation procedure. The idea of this work is due to the creation of an accredited testing laboratory for the types of tests that are demanded by the market or society in this region.

1. Theme urgency

The relevance of this work is due to the need to improve the quality of products and services produced in this region through the creation of its own testing laboratory and its preparation for accreditation in accordance with the criteria of accreditation.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The relevance of the topic related to the creation of an accredited testing laboratory is beyond doubt and sets us a number of specific tasks:

  1. Examine the requirements for testing laboratories.
  2. To determine which tests are most in demand on the territory of the DPR, for this it is necessary to assess the volumes and range of products manufactured in the Republic.
  3. Take steps to prepare this testing laboratory for accreditation.
  4. Make a set of documents required for accreditation of the testing laboratory.
  5. Study accreditation procedures.

Planned results:
– identification of the indicator of the security of products manufactured in the Republic;
– studying the preparation procedure for creating an accredited testing laboratory.

3. Market demand for product testing, as an integral part of the conformity assessment system in the DPR

In the developing economy of the DPR, it is necessary to assess what products and services will be in demand by the market or society. Consider conformity assessment services, namely product testing services.

To test products, it is necessary to organize a testing laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the interstate ISO/IEC   17025–2017 [1] standard and go through the accreditation procedure, that is, to get the right to carry out testing work and draw up documents on test results that will be recognized. First of all, it is necessary to determine which tests are most in demand on the territory of the DPR, for this it is necessary to assess the volumes and the range of products manufactured in the Republic, for confirming compliance with which it is necessary to conduct tests.

After analyzing the market for manufactured products on the territory of the DPR, it was found that almost 40 % of the sales of enterprises accounted for the metallurgical industry (the demand for testing in this industry is large enough) therefore, it makes sense to organize an accredited testing laboratory for testing the products of metallurgical enterprises.

Indicator of the security of products manufactured in the Republic of services to confirm the compliance of products with the requirements (product testing) can be a coverage ratio that characterizes the number of enterprises producing products that must be tested in one accredited laboratory that has this area of accreditation: Кtr. = Nent. / Nlab.

The conditions of confidence in the test results are the independence and impartiality of the testing laboratory, in order to ensure the above–mentioned requirements, the laboratory must be a separate legal entity with attributes inherent in an independent business object.

Today, accredited laboratories belonging to the State Enterprise DonetskStandartmetmetrologia operate in the DPR, which, in turn, is subordinated to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the DPR, which creates conditions for the administrative regulation of laboratories in the context of their common subordination with enterprises of the metallurgical complex and other subordinate enterprises A ministry that, under certain conditions, may give rise to doubts about the independence and impartiality of test results.

Laboratories operating as structural units of enterprises of the metallurgical complex also cannot be perceived as independent and impartial conformity assessment bodies.

Therefore, it makes sense to organize an independent testing laboratory for testing products of the metallurgical complex DNR.

This measure will increase the competitiveness of goods produced in the DPR, as well as create conditions for participating in tenders and receiving large orders from foreign business partners. The availability of test results obtained in an independent accredited laboratory is a prerequisite for the declaration or certification of products.

The presence of an accreditation certificate at the laboratory is a guarantee that the laboratory:
– is independent and may be legally responsible for the results of its activities;
– uses certified techniques in its activities;
– has test equipment and means of change for all types of tests included in the scope of accreditation;
– timely carries out the verification and calibration of test equipment and measuring instruments;
– sampling is carried out in accordance with the established procedure;
– tests and measurements carried out by qualified personnel;
– laboratory premises meet the requirements;
– has a valid quality management system.

Accreditation of testing laboratories in the republican system of accreditation is carried out in accordance with the Law of the DPR On accreditation in the republican system of accreditation No. 62–IHC of August 10, 2015 [9].

The accreditation criteria, on the basis of which the competence of the subjects of accreditation is assessed, are established by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the DPR No. 104 of July 10, 2017. On approval of the Accreditation Criteria and the list of documents confirming the compliance of the applicant, accredited person with the accreditation criteria [10], based on the provisions of the interstate accreditation standards, including GOST ISO/IEC   17025–2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

The accreditation criteria set the requirements for the quality management system, employees, premises, equipment, technical means and other material resources of the applicant, an accredited person.


The creation of an accredited testing laboratory will ensure the reliability and accuracy of product test results, meet the requirements of regulatory documents regarding test methods, test equipment application rules, timely fulfillment of customer orders in full and with minimal costs achieved through the implementation and continuous operation of the quality assurance system .


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