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Attention! At the time of writing this essay the master's work is not yet completed. Estimated completion date: July 2019 The full text of the work, as well as materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after the specified date. For all questions contact at



The volume of operations with bulk materials at the enterprises of the chemical, food industries, in agriculture and construction in the territory the entire post-Soviet space amounts to billions of tons. Much of these materials undergo dosing processes, with subsequent packaging and transport. The intensification of technological processes with the introduction of continuous technological operations determines increased requirements for bunker installations, devices for automated feeding of bulk material into the metering device, as well as metering devices.

Automation is one of the areas of scientific and technological progress, using self-regulatory technical tools and mathematical methods. in order to free a person from participation in the processes of obtaining, converting, transmitting and using energy, materials, products or information, either a significant reduction in the extent of this participation or the complexity of the operations performed. Automation allows you to increase productivity, improve product quality, optimize management processes, remove a person from industries that are hazardous to health; requires integrated, system approach to solving the problem. The automation systems include sensors (sensors), input devices, control devices (controllers), actuators, output devices, computers [7].

The main trend in the development of automation systems is in the direction of creating automatic systems that are able to perform specified functions or procedures without human intervention. The role of a person is to prepare the initial data, select the algorithm (solution method) and analyze the results. Also in such systems provides gradually increasing protection from non-standard events (accidents) or ways to circumvent them [7].

1. Relevance of the topic

The modern market is based on the competition of manufacturers, whose success is estimated not by the volume of production, but by the level of efficiency production. This level is determined by the degree of customer satisfaction with the lowest cost. Currently, dosing automation processes, packaging and transportation of bulk materials occupy one of the leading places in the food, chemical, metallurgical industries, in construction and agriculture.

An important step in the transport and technological schemes for the delivery of bulk materials from producer to consumer is the process of their packaging in various types of containers. Since the dosing of materials in production is inherently related to their packaging and transportation, in many cases due to the physical strength of a person, which in turn is accompanied by a strong dust emission and bears a certain danger to human health, the need to use automatic metering and packaging lines. Due to the lack of a unified model of the flowing medium, there is a need to more thorough study of the properties of bulk materials in their packaging and packaging [12].

2. The purpose and objectives of the study

The aim of the work is to increase the efficiency of semi-automatic filling lines of bulk materials.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Investigate the working conditions of bulk material packaging lines;
  2. Determine the rheological characteristics of characteristic bulk materials;
  3. Categorize weights by yield and bulk weight;
  4. Select the appropriate gripping device to feed the container to the loading device and dispense the loaded container to the transport device;
  5. Develop an algorithm and analyze the pneumatic-hydraulic system to operate the manipulator, including with control from a programmable controller;
  6. Analyze the dynamic properties of actuators;
  7. Perform physical modeling and clarify the parameters of the bulk material packaging system.


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