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Brief resume

Name Avramenko Viktor
Date of birth 07.24.1996
Place of birth Shakhtersk
Schools From 2002 to 2013 he was trained in UVK No 2 I–II st. &ndash Lyceum of Shakhtersk
Universities DonNTU Bachelor's degree from 2013 to 2017, Faculty of CITA Department of Electronic Specialty Electronic systems and devices.
DonNTU Magistracy degree from 2017 to 2019, Faculty CITA Department of Electronic Specialty Electronics and Nanoelectronics.
Average score Average score for the period of study in the Bachelor's Degree 85 on the CETS scale.
Languages Russian, Ukrainian, English with a dictionary.
Personal achievements Secondary music education in the Guitar class;
Participation in interuniversity competitions in judo;
Participation in university boxing competitions;
Participation in the Festival of Donbass Youth in 2018.
Hobbies and interests I'm fond of playing the guitar and sports, occasionally I allow myself to play computer games.
Personal qualities To personal qualities can be attributed vnivatelnost, diligence, communication skills. As for the pluses, you can include easy.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows, Android.
2. Application programs: all office programs from Microsoft Office, Work with graphics Corel Drow, 3dMax.
3. Programming languages:Pascal, Delphi, C, HTML.
4. Development environments: Delphi, Arduino IDE, AlgoritmBilder, CodeVisionAVR, Borland Pascal.
Future plans Find your place in life.
Contact information E-mail:
Skype: live.vahter333
VK: tov_viktor