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DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Dvoinishnikova Elizaveta
Date of birth May 4, 1996
Place of birth Donetsk
School Donetsk gymnasium ¹70
Universities 2013–2017 – Donetsk National Technical University, specialty Automation of technological processes and productions, bachelor's degree;
2017–2019 – Donetsk National Technical University, specialty Automation of technological processes and productions, magistracy.
Average score 4,7
Languages Russian (advanced), Ukrainian (advanced), English (intermediate), German (basic).
Personal achievements Participation in the international scientific and technical conference Automation of technological objects and processes: the search for young people;
2014 - bronze medalist at world powerlifting championship.
Hobbies and interests Intellectual and educational games, scientific fiction, travels, sport, music.
Personal qualities Responsibility, purposefulness, hard work.
Professional and computer skills 1. Application programs: MsOffice, Mathcad, Matlab, P-CAD, ÑoDeSys, AVR Studio, Simulink, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ – 3D.
2. Programming languages: Pascal, VB, Assembler for AVR, Ñ++.
3. Development Environments: Visual Studio, P–CAD..
Future plans Working in the specialty with further development in this area
Contact information Email: liza_dv@mail.ru