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Brief resume

Name Lotohova Lily
Date of birth May 13, 1996
Place of birth Osykovo, Starobeshevsky district
School Osikovska school of I-III stages, from 2002 to 2013
University Donetsk national technical University, bachelor's degree, speciality Åconomy of fuel and energy complex, from 2013 to 2017
Donetsk national technical University, master's degree, speciality Åconomy of fuel and energy complex, from 2017 to 2019
Average score 85
Languages Russian – advanced;
Ukrainian – advanced;
English – basic.
Personal achievements Occupied I and II places in the tourist competition.
The end of the schools with difference (naivete silver medals).
Participant of the Republican Olympiads in Economics and innovation.
Occupied III place in the National competition of final works in the field of Economics.
Hobbies and interests Games: football and gymnastics; books: historical and romance novels; music: from classical music to rock; cooking: baking.
Personal qualities Responsiveness, sociability, responsibility, goodwill, curiosity, delicacy, friendliness, attentiveness, selflessness.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows 98/2000 / XP / Vista/7/8/10; Android.
2. Office suites: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access.
3. Graphic editor: Adobe Photoshop.
4. Internet technologies: HTML, CSS.
Additional courses, internships, grants English course.
Professional experience 04.2017 – 05.2017 – production practice at the enterprise of GP Mospinskoe UPP.
Future plans Graduation with honors, the post of economist in the fuel and energy complex.
Contact information e-mail: nadiaylotohova@mail.ru