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The results of functioning of any system depend mainly on its potential and how effectively this potential is managed [1] . With regard to the subject of the study, we are talking about the potential of an industrial enterprise, the reproduction of which is based on the development of the sphere of material production, and the management system for the development of such potential as a key condition for its practical implementation.

The development of the potential of an industrial enterprise is the most important to improve its efficiency and competitiveness, on the one hand, an effective management mechanism, on the other. It provides stability of functioning and development of the enterprise in modern conditions. In modern conditions of sanctions by the international community, there are new opportunities for the creation and development of Russian enterprises. The article focuses on small industrial enterprises, as they have a degree of adaptability and flexibility to changes in the environment [2].

1. Theme urgency

The modern period of economic development of the Republic is characterized by an active search for measures to build and update the industrial potential. However, the lack of complexity in the implementation of strategic economic policy does not allow for the accelerated growth of domestic enterprises and increase the efficiency of their activities. Inefficient use of advanced innovative technologies leads to the stagnation of the industrial sector of the economy, where structural changes are mostly formal.Under these conditions, restructuring can have a strong impact on the positive change in the coal mining complex, its organizational, technical, managerial and legal orientation. Effective use of the industrial potential of the Republican economy is today the most important condition for economic growth.

Thus, the restructuring of enterprises with the effective formation of its mechanisms should contribute to the competitiveness of national production and the new level of structural reforms in the industry. In the strategic plan, the restructuring targets should be aimed at finding priorities for the development of the coal processing industry, the development of adaptation mechanisms of the market, the concentration of funds and the preservation of the regulatory role of the Republic. The need for this approach of restructuring is due to the inefficiency of the policy of denationalization and privatization, the search for domestic sources of technological growth, which, in recent years, have exhausted their capabilities or heavily transformed [3].

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological provisions to improve the mechanism of management of sustainable development of industrial enterprises.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set and solved:

  1. To clarify the content of the concept of sustainable development in relation to modern realities. To develop a model of interaction of the main elements of sustainable development of modern industrial enterprise.
  2. To develop a classification of factors of sustainable development of industrial enterprises.
  3. Expand the semantic content of the category mechanism of management of sustainable development of industrial enterprises. To determine the model of the mechanism of management of sustainable development of an industrial enterprise.
  4. To develop a methodology for assessing the level of sustainable development of industrial enterprises.
  5. Develop recommendations for improving the mechanism of sustainable development management of industrial enterprises.

Research object: GP Mospinsky SCP.

Research subject: organizational, managerial and socio-economic relations arising in the process of management of sustainable development of industrial enterprises.

3. Modern approaches to the formation of the management mechanism of the mining industry

The coal industry plays an important role in the economy of the republic, so today economists and scientists are faced with the problem of effective cost management in the context of the general problem of the coal industry getting out of crisis. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the management of enterprises in the coal industry of the republic is the formation of the resource potential at the level that will ensure the continuity of their coal mining activities. The solution to this problem is determined by the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of management [5].

Considering that the main task of the management system is to ensure efficiency through the achievement of set goals with minimal resources, the main tasks of managing the resource potential of a coal mining company include its rational use, development and increase of efficiency, reproduction of resource potential.

The main purpose of the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for managing the resource potential of a coal-mining enterprise is to ensure a favorable organizational and economic environment for the implementation of its activities [6].

Under the organizational-economic mechanism for managing the resource potential of a coal-mining enterprise it is proposed to understand the set of interrelated elements that consist of integral organizational and economic components. Usually, the created control mechanisms form a synergistic effect that exceeds the efficiency of using individual elements.

At the same time, in the conditions of instability of the economy of the Republic, the priority is to achieve in a short time the economic and technological development of the industry, with the necessary production volumes and quality of coal products, and in terms of saving resources of a coal mining company. Investments in the reconstruction of the company's main assets and the commissioning of new capacities in the coming years are impossible due to the crisis. It is hardly possible to attract investors to these problems because of the unattractiveness of coal enterprises in terms of quick returns and high return on investment. For these reasons, the solution to the problem of improving the coal industry in the coming years is to comprehensively mobilize domestic reserves, to increase production efficiency with the maximum possible use by enterprises of their own resources.

However, a number of problems related to the management of the resource potential of coal mining enterprises have not been sufficiently investigated. At present, there is no unified methodological approach to the definition and formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the resource potential of a coal-mining enterprise [8].


Considered and developed the theoretical foundations of modern approaches to the formation of the management mechanism of the extractive industry enterprises. In order to create an effective management system for the competitiveness of the ability of coal products and to increase the efficiency of the rational use of resources of a coal-mining enterprise, methodological recommendations have been developed for all levels of the management system and production. The factors of sustainable development are systematized and their classification is proposed on the basis of a grouping of environmental factors of functioning, time and consistency of impact, taking into account the patterns of functioning of an industrial enterprise and the trends of its development.

An in-depth study of the features of managing sustainable development of an industrial enterprise was conducted, on the basis of which the author’s vision of the concept of a mechanism of managing sustainable development was formulated, including a set of methods of influencing the organization and structure of an enterprise, which allows to systematize all its constituent elements and maintain operating parameters in a range of sustainable development. Such a conceptually new methodology for assessing the level of sustainable development of industrial enterprises has been formulated, which basically consists of differentiating the directions of sustainable development into four components: economic, environmental, social and global, which is unified for all industrial enterprises, meets the system principles of analysis, is comprehensive, uses comparable values of indicators and is based on reliable publicly available information.

The directions for improving the management system for the sustainable development of industrial enterprises, based on the creation of a strategic plan for sustainable development, including innovative methods and tools for its formation and implementation [9].


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