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Relevance of the research topic.

At the present stage of development of economic conditions of management radically changing approach to production management in industrial enterprises. At the same time, there are new dynamic relations between production and consumer products, the problem of activation of the promotion of goods through the stages of purchase, production and sale of products becomes urgent. Under these conditions, the manufacturer of products is required to expand the variety of manufactured goods, reduce the time intervals between the purchase of raw materials and the supply of products to the final consumer, high readiness for changes to meet the requirements of the market, provided the high quality of products and reduce costs.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

The theoretical complexity and practical significance of the problem of material flow management attracted the attention of a large number of researchers. Aspects of this issue is devoted to the scientific works of I.  A.  Bondareva,V.  N.  Vasiliev, A.  M.  Hajinski, V.  N. Goncharova, M.  N.  Gordon, M.  N.  Salmanova, A.  Kolobov, N.  T.  Moiseeva, Y.  Y.  Naimark, O.  A.  Novikova, A.  V.  Proskuryakova,N.  Selezneva, A.  A.  Smekhova, A.  I.  Semenenko, Y.  I.  Smolyakova, O.  G.  Turovets.

The purpose and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the master's thesis is to study the theoretical foundations and development of scientific and practical recommendations for improving the logistics management of material flows of industrial enterprises. The purpose of the study identified the need for the formulation and solution of the following tasks:

  1. to substantiate the place and role of the logistic system of material flows management at the enterprise;
  2. to characterize the functions of material flow control;
  3. perform diagnostics and evaluation of the effectiveness of the material flow management system;
  4. recommend the use of logistics material management system;
  5. to formulate the main stages of the selection of potential suppliers, ensuring the reliability of logistics processes;
  6. justify the use of material flow management systems in the enterprise;
  7. to assess changes in the financial results of the enterprise by improving the management of material flows.

Object of research

The process of management of material flows of industrial enterprises.

Subject of research

Principles and methods of economic justification of the movement of material flows of industrial enterprises.

Job content.

1. Theoretical bases of management of material flows of the industrial enterprise.

In the first section "Theoretical bases of management of material flows of the industrial enterprise", the concept, types of material flows their classification is considered.

To ensure high efficiency and flexibility of production in the conditions of transition to the market, it is necessary to create fundamentally new organizational conditions, to revise traditional methods of production management, to implement modern approaches to material flow management based on the principles of integration of production and sales processes. [1]

Material flow (one of the key concepts in logistics) permeates all areas of logistics, linking them with each other. Without the recognition of heterogeneous and changing elements as a single material flow within the logistics system, it is impossible to apply the logistics approach itself, which is based on the idea of integration, and without the use of the concept of material flow, it is extremely difficult to define logistics as a science. In the book "Corporate logistics in questions and answers" logistics in a broad sense is interpreted as "the science of management of material and related information and financial flows in a certain micro-, meso – or macroeconomic system to achieve its goals with optimal resources." This definition explicitly States that material flow together with other types of flows is the object of logistics research.[2]

As for the classification necessary for the rational organization of material flows, in the literature you can find a huge number of them and different quality of performance. Schematically, the classification of material flows is shown in p.1.1.

Сlassification of material flows

Рисунок 1 – Сlassification of material flows

2. Diagnostics and evaluation of the material flow management system

The choice of the best option is made in four stages. The first establishes the possibility of a complete or partial solution to the problem, the second forms the solutions, the third proposed options are compared with each other and evaluated in terms of the selected criteria, finally, the fourth stage selects the solution to the problem and checks the result.

The result of the decision at each stage can have two values that determine the further course of the study. Upon completion of the first stage of the problem solution, one of two options is possible: preparation of a partial solution or verification of a complete solution to the problem. [3]

Each of these works, in turn, can lead to both positive and negative results. For example, if a complete solution is not possible, a branch with a negative result leads to a partial solution, and a branch with a positive result leads to the choice of a complete solution to the problem. When checking the decision, the negative option points to the search for new hypotheses and involves the re-formulation of the problem. If the answer is positive, the decision is final and the transition to its implementation is possible. [4]

Diagnosis of the state includes a set of measures aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the material flow management system and the formation of goals and specific directions of its improvement.

The basis of the diagnostic study is based on the following provisions: the analysis of the material flow management system is carried out from the point of view of its functional connection with other subsystems of the enterprise and is aimed at identifying shortcomings in the management of material flows that hinder the increase in production efficiency; all factors of the effectiveness of the material flow management system are studied in the relationship and interdependence; the analysis is carried out on the basis of the method of comparison using standard and expert estimates.

3. Improving the efficiency of material flow management in production

Today, the logistics approach in the management of industrial enterprises has been widely developed in market economies and is one of the effective and efficient tools to improve the efficiency of enterprises, as it allows to optimize material, financial and information flows, the cost of their maintenance and management.

One of the main tasks, which is solved with the effective application of the logistics approach to the management of material flows, is the formation of conditions that ensure the acceleration of asset turnover, which will lead to a reduction in material costs in the overall structure of production costs, the release of financial resources from excess stocks and increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.[5]

The cumulative effect of the logistics approach to material flow management in the production sector is formed by the following components:[6]

  1. production is oriented to the market and it becomes possible to switch to small-scale and individual production;
  2. partnerships with suppliers are being established;
  3. reduced downtime;
  4. inventory in the flow path (and associated storage and storage costs) is reduced);
  5. reduced time and cost of moving material resources;
  6. the number of auxiliary workers is reduced, injuries are reduced;
  7. product quality is improved; material losses are reduced;
  8. the use of production and warehouse space, etc., is improving.

According to expert estimates, the use of logistics not only provides a reduction in inventory by 50-95%, delivery time – by 25-45%, the total duration of the order by the enterprise – by 50-70%, but also brings additional derivative gains (due to the synergetic effect of logistics), among which – a multiplier effect (subject to a reduction in inventory of the enterprise only 10% profit increases by 11%, profitability – by 15%) and a reduction in the need for production and warehouse space (by 40-70%).

Logistic approach to the management of material flows at the enterprise allows to optimize the implementation of complex logistics operations. According to Bosch, Siemens, Mitsubishi, GeneralMotors, a 1% reduction in logistics costs had the same effect as a 10% increase in sales.


Management of material flows can be considered as a process of targeted impacts on the organization and individuals involved in the promotion of material flows, and the management system.

Organization of material flows involves the formation of a stable system of spatial and temporal relationships. The spatial relationships that determine the composition, relative position and interaction of divisions of the enterprise participating in the formation of the material flow and management. The form of expression of spatial relations is the logistic structure of the enterprise. Time relations reflect the real movement of objects of labor in space and time; and are based on two interrelated time characteristics: the cycle and duration of the stages of execution of production orders.

Diagnosis of the state of management of material flows should be carried out in two directions: the identification and analysis of symptoms in the context of the main areas of production activities in the stages of the management cycle; assessment of the state of material flows in the stages of movement.

Effective management of material flows helps enterprises to solve important problems such as:

  1. stock problem-helps in solving problems related to stock reduction in the context of reducing uncertainty of supply and demand;
  2. inventory issue;
  3. problems of standardization and reduction of productivity improvement methodology;
  4. effective material management also helps in the development of waste management policies and procedures.


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