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Theoretical aspects of enterprise innovation

The Word innovation is translated into Russian as novelty, innovation, innovation. By innovation in management is meant innovation, mastered in production which has discovered its consumer.

In a broad interpretation of the concept of innovation is a new product, a new culture, new information, a new structure and management system of the organization, and so on.

A Innovation is the end result of an innovation activity that has acquired execution in the form of a new or improved product introduced in the market, a new or improved process used in organizational activities, a new approach to social problems.

Technological product innovations involve the introduction of products with improved characteristics. Technological process innovation implementation of new or significantly improved production and distribution methods. This may include changes in equipment, human resources, personnel, or a combination thereof.

A Technologically new product is a product whose technological characteristics or possible uses differ significantly from previously produced products. Such innovations may be based on entirely new technologies, combining known technologies in new ways, or may result from the use of new knowledge.

A Technologically improved product is an existing product whose characteristics have been significantly improved or updated. The product can be improved by using improved components or materials, or improvements in parts (subsystems).

Among the main factors that limit and constrain the innovative activity of industrial enterprises, there is a lack of own funds. In second and third place is the high cost of innovations and the lack of financial assistance from the state. The fourth place is consistently accounted for by low innovation potential, and the fifth place is occupied by a large economic threat.

Thus, the importance of innovation in the modern world is difficult to overestimate. Innovations perform both economic and social functions, cover all aspects of society, affect personal issues. In the long term, without innovation, further economic and cultural growth along the path of development is impossible.

Source list

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