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Brief resume

Name Bozhenko Artur Vadimovich
Date of birth 31.07.1998 year
Place of birth Yunokomunarivs'k, Donetska oblast
Schools 2004–2015 – MOO OSH No.11 Enakievo
Universities 2015–2019 – Donetsk national technical University, di, bachelor's degree, Full-time education;
2019–2021 – Donetsk national technical University, Specialty automation of technological processes and production, master's degree, Full-time education.
Average score The average score on a five-point scale is 4.46
Languages 1. Russian language is perfect;
2. Ukrainian language is perfect;
3. English–intermediate level.
Personal achievements no personal achievements.
Hobbies and interests I am fond of cars and everything related to them.
Personal qualities Responsibility, sociability, stress tolerance, punctuality, fast learning, independence, attentiveness, self-organization.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: MS Windows, Android, iOS;
2. MS Office tools: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access;
3.Math packages: MathCad, MATLAB;
4.Programming languages: Pascal, Assembler for AVR, C, C++, FBD, CFC, ST for PLC;
5.Development environments: Visual Studio, P-CAD, Atmel AVR;
6.Graphic editors: Compass–3D, Auto Cad, Auto Cad Electrical, EPLAN, Visio, Adobe Photoshop
Additional courses, internships, grants 2019 – pre–graduate practice at PJSC Shakhtoupravlenie Donbass Scheglovskaya-Glubokaya mine
Professional experience Nope
Future plans Employment for a job with a decent salary, self-development in different directions, travel.
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