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DonNTU Master Vladislav Viazmin

Vladislav Viazmin

Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)

Department of software engineering (SE)

Speciality Software engineering

Improving the efficiency of voice messaging protocols for cryptographically protected messengers

Scientific adviser: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Sergey Zori

Consultant: senior lecturer Alla Chernyshova

Brief resume


Vladislav Viazmin

Date of birth

March 19, 1998

Place of birth



2004–2015 years – Khartsyzsk secondary school #24 (formerly Khartsyzsk versatile lyceum #1)


2015–2019 years – Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of Computer Sciences and Technologies, speciality 09.03.04 Software Engeneering, bachelor

2019–2021 years – Donetsk National Technical University, faculty of Computer Sciences and Technologies, speciality 09.04.04 Software Engeneering, master

Average score

88 (B)


Russian (advanced)

Ukrainian (advanced)

English (pre-intermediate)

Personal achievements

st place in the section Software Engineering 5th International Conference Modern information technologies in education and scientific research (MITESR-2017), Donetsk, DonNTU. Topic Wireless Wi-Fi technology. Vulnerabilities and security methods

nd place in section Software Engeneering 10th International scientific and technical conference Information control systems and computer monitoring (ІCS and CM-2019), Donetsk, DonNTU. Topic Overview of existing protocols for voice messenger software implementation

When I was at school I was already doing research, I was a participant in qualifying tests at the Minor Academy of Sciences and was able to get through to the regional stage.


Programming, speedcubing, mnemonic, TRIZTheory of the resolution of invention-related tasks, calligraphy, literature on psychology and self-development, documentary prose

Personal qualities

Fast learnability, creativity, good faith, purposefulness, communicability, reliability

Professional and computer skills

Programming languages: Java (Java 8, Java EE, JavaFX, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Data, JPA, Maven, Hibernate, Tomcat, JUnit, JSP), JavaScript/TypeScript (jQuery), C/C++ (WinAPI, STL, OpenMP, MPI, Cocos2d, SFML), C# (WinForms, WPF), Delphi

Operating systems: Windows XP/7/8/10, Linux Mint/Ubuntu, Android

Graphics editors: Adobe Photoshop, Blender

CAD systems: AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Autodesk 3d Max

Database management systems: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB

Version control systems: Git

Development environments: IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio, JetBrains WebStorm, Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code

Future plans

Graduate from university and get a highly paid job in a specialty. Develop the fastest and most secure voice messenger. Organize a profitable business in private ownership. Become a successful investor. Become an inventor, whose ideas will be implemented in production. Learn English, French, Chinese, Sumerian and Latin languages. Learn to shoot with an archer. Perform a parachute jump. To visit all seven wonders of the world. Learn to remember an unlimited amount of information as quickly as possible. Write at least three books. To own a house with an underground bunker. Leave your mark in history.

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