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Brief resume

Name Pinchuk Maria
Date of birth July 21, 1998
Place of birth Donetsk
School MOU School No. 14 (2004–2015)
University DonNTU bachelor (2015–2019)
DonNTU magistracy (from 2019 to the present)
Average score Average mark during bachelor's studies – 88,4
Languages English basic, Ukrainian advanced
Personal achievements For participation in the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Resource Saving. Efficiency. Development was awarded a winner's diploma in the nomination For a creative approach in solving problems of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise (25.10.2018).
Took the II place in the Olympiad of the Donetsk National University in Patriotic and World History (GOU VPO DonNU, 2015); III place in the Republican Student Olympiad in the direction of training Economics (profile Economics of enterprises) (GOU VPO DonNU, 2019).
Hobbies and interests Sports (swimming, boxing, fitness)
Personal qualities Responsible, hardworking, executive, efficient, sociable, attentive.
Professional and computer skills 1. Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome) and e-mail (Outlook Express)
2. Operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
3. Programs and systems: 1C: Enterprise 8.3 (, Notepad ++.
Professional experience World of Cheese LLC as a consolidated information analyst (from 2019 to the present).
Future plans Further promotion of the career ladder and improvement of professional skills.
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