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Brief resume

Name Shlyakhova Natalia
Date of birth August 13, 1981
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools School No 37, 1988–1989, Donetsk
School No 69, 1990–1996, Donetsk
School No 3, 2010, Dokuchaevsk
University 2015–2019, Donetsk National Technical University, specialty business Economics, bachelor's degree;
2019–2021, Donetsk National Technical University, specialty business Economics, master's degree
Average score 4,4
Languages Knowledge of the Russian language perfectly, Ukrainian language – intermediate level, French language – basic level
Hobbies and interests Music, books – various directions and genres
Personal qualities Honesty, purposefulness, responsibility, benevolence, I do not experience difficulties when communicating with people of any status
Professional and computer skills 1. I can work in Windows XP, 7, 8, Android at the user level
2. Applied directions: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
3. Markup languages: HTML, CSS, PDF
Future plans Find a job in your specialty and get the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained in practice
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