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(The full version is present only
in English)
Was born in 1979 in Avdeevka Donetsk region.
In 1996 has ended a comprehensive school ¹6. In 1999 has passed the state examination at faculty of ECOLOGY And CHEMICAL TECHNIQUE DonSTU and has received the bachelor's degree with distinction on a speciality "an engineering mechanics". In 2001 has ended
Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU) - master of faculty of the AMBULACE Both VEHICLES of CHEMICAL PRODUCTIONS "ÌAÕÏ".
In 2000 I received the military rank of lieutenant having passed the examination at the battle training chair of the department of special training of DSTU.
On Ukrainean of scientific conference of the post-graduate students and students " Protection of the surrounding Medium and Rational usage of Natural Operational lifes" was awarded with the diploma for the best report. A theme of the report: Modernization RMS in coditions coke-chemical undertaking (Instructor
reader, candidate technical sciences A. Parfenuk).
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