e-mail: prokopchenko@ukr.net
I was born on March 21, 1977 in Ukraine in city Makeevka of Donetsk area.
In 1984 began training in school N 96 of Makeevka, in 1992 has ended school. In school has interested in an electronics engineering. The first electronic devices was made in seventh - eighth class of school. I certainly then did not imagine entirety of communications all elements, had no slightest submission about physical processes trusted to in the basis them principle of operation. But it did not hinder me to make photorelay, receivers, toys with by electric motors and there are a lot of other smalls. Not all from mine devices is working, that naturally caused me to search for the answer to a question "why???".
This problem also has routed me in Svetlovodsk's technical school of radio electronic, where I was trained with 1992 for 1996. Outcomes already on the third course have confirmed all my hopes - all devices, which I have made now, worked also main - I knew why and as.At the time of diplom-work has made FM-radio station of frequency 144 MHz. The work demanded a plenty of calculations (solution of set of equationss, definite integrals etc.), that at first to need usage of the programmable calculator, and then and computer. The first language, which I knew - BASIC. The explanatory slip to the degree project (documentation on designed radio station) should be typed on the computer (on demand of the chief) and multiply to correct and to patch. At a course of information science has taken a great interest in programming, has acquainted with a Pascal and Assembler, having opened for itself one more interesting and useful occupation.
The further education I connected to computer technologies and electronics, therefore after leaving technical school in 1996 I have arrived in Donetsk state technical university on Faculty of computer facilities and computer science. In 2001 I have finished magistry on a speciality "Computer systems and networks"(CS).
In a modern society huge meaning have the information technologies. They find a use not only in all branches of busines, but also in personal use. In this connection the requirement of a society for the experts in information and network technologies considerably grows. The engineers are now necessary which will be capable to design, to develop and to support information systems and networks of various levels: from global (Internet, satellite systems of communication) up to a local level (enterprise, department). The especial meaning gets home application, as in nearest 10-20 years considerably will increase a saturation of life of the people by computer engineering, both for entertainments, and as the basic source of the information. It allows to speak about prospects of our speciality.