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Sisyukin Victor

Group VT-96B


Thesis subject:
"Methods and facility of reengineering of modelling systems of complicated technological processes in example of DIVA system"

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        I was born in June 27, 1978. He studied at high school ь22 of Donetsk city since 1985 till 1992. During the study he took a great interest in chemistry. He has occupied the first place on a region olympiad on chemistry in 1991. In 1992 he has entered the Donetsk technical college. During the study he has taken a great interest in programming. In 1995 he has occupied the second place on a complex olympiad in Institute of problems of an artificial intelligence. In 1996 he has entered the Donetsk state technical university on a speciality "Computer and intellectual systems and networks" of faculty of computer Facilities and computer science. Now he is a student of 5 course of the Donetsk state technical university on a speciality " Computer systems and networks ".

        The speciality " Computer and intellectual systems and networks " was elected by me, since on the moment of entering the Donetsk State Technical university he already has experience of programming within 2,5 years. At the same time, he hasn`t deep theoretical knowledges and experience of operation with hardware. With purpose of elimination of this mismatch Sisyukin V.S. has decided to enter the Donetsk State Technical university on a speciality " Computer and intellectual systems and networks".

        I consider, that at present given speciality is overloaded with out-of-date courses. It is natural to assume, that in the given period of time there is a clearing of a speciality of this peel, but the so low speed of this process depresses. In the future well except for classical theoretical preparation to have more concrete knowledge appropriate to modern development of a speciality at a world level.

Copyright (c) 2001 Victor Sisyukin