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Parfenenko Vitaly Victorovich gr.ASU-96v |
At The
established social-economic situation in branches, unsatisfactory conditions of
labour in coal mines of Ukraine, condition certained changes to
the level to professional disease, bringing about significant
economic losses in branches. Share professional diseases amongst toilling
coal enterprises to all events professional diseasesin country forms 82 %
that characterizes dominant importance of branch in shaping the factors
toilling economic complex of Ukraine.
Thereby, problem professional diseases toilling branches people in
social-economic and national.
Formed situation can be improved by way of realization of complex of
measures, directed on improvements of system of dynamic account bad
production factors and health working, îáúåêòèâèçàöèåé of criterions
of diagnostics of professional diseases, introducing the methods medical
the selection of persons most firm to action of bad factors.
Alongside with actions, directed
on improvement of conditions of labour, preventive maintenances and medica
l servicing the workmans branches specified complex of measures must provide
making the branch computer information system for account, analysis and expert operations
the professional diseases.
Use of this system will allow vastly to reduce loss
from professional diseases, òðàâìàòèçìà and events sudden the warmhearted death
in coal branch and avoid the ungrounded payments on this events.