My biography; photo.jpg; 9Kb


Dear Sirs, let me introduce myself!

Master's student of DonNTU, bachelor, graduate of the Donetsk specialized Ukrainian school #65, graduate of the Donetsk ballet school, inhabitant of Donetsk city, Ukraine.


Theme of the master's diploma:
" Elaboration of the business plan for creation of the manufacturing enterprise on the basis of imported equipment and raw material" Supervisor: Îleynikov À.À., k.t.s., doc.

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Let's refer to the order…

I was born on 8th of October 1979 in Donetsk, Ukraine. My path in the education sphere was connected with search in different areas of science and art, as a result of which I got different knowledge and became a round developed person. My first school was school # 22, where I studied for 3 years and which meant my first steps in education. Simultaneously with the secondary school I entered the Donetsk ballet school, which was not only the school of dances, but also the kind of life school. Eight years of day-to-day hard ballet classes and 5 years of playing piano made me organized and goal-oriented person, attached the love to beauty, harmony, art in all its kinds.

1991 years brought a lot of changes to my life - I entered the first in Donetsk Ukrainian school #65, which I graduated in 1997y. My school life can be devided into two periods. The first one - 1987-1995 (1-9th classes) was the period of my goal-oriented search and understading of my future as a part of dancing art. The second period, which started in the 11-th class, was oriented mainly on the area of my current studies. Event, which inspired me to such changes, was a 1995-1996 school year, when I was studying in Munich, Germany. This lucky chance I got thanks to my achievements in both schools and thanks to winning in the hot competition. "Ridna Schkola", where I was living together with other 24 children from Ukraine, supposed the studying in German school, learning of the Ukrainian school program and living in the German families during the school holidays. German school helped me to get great knowledge in German language and social communication. During this year I got the idea of my future education in the sphere of International economy and personal development.

Being back from the Germany I started to move toward my goal. I graduated successfully the 11 classes without studying in the 10th form, entered the Donetsk National Technical University < a href=""target="_blank">(DonNTU), speciality of International ecomony, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM). In 2001 I got my "excellent" bachelor diploma, now I participate in the Master's program.

Motives of choosing the diploma's theme:

During the 5 years of studies I got a lot of knowledge, which need the futher development through the practice and active usage. The theme of my diploma responds to my wish to implement this knowledge toward creation of the profitable eneterprise with international specialization.

Personal perspectives :

Being an ambitious person, I imagine my future in the leading management of the big transnational corporation.

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