group EER 97
subject of the work: "Management of the technical renewal of industry (enterprise) "
supervisor: professor, d.e.s. Shvets Irina Borisovna
In the 1987 I became a student of the secondary school in the Sviatogorsk (still). My musical success was tremendous and I was even going to enter Artemovsk musical college. But on the second thought those plans were postponed and as time went by forgotten. In 1997 I finished secondary school with honour and gold medal. It was of great help when entering Donetsk National Technical University. Being a student of such a glorious and well- known alma-mater I plunged into science and did my best. I really wanted to be a diligent student and I succeeded in everything we studied. My interests, my friends and my plans grew and expanded. On getting my scientific bachelor degree I went on with my scientific and research work. Now I'm dealing with the problem of the management of the technical renewal (modernization) of enterprise: I consider the theme of my scientific investigation acute and topical the region I live and study in. Donbass is the territory of paramount industrial importance for the whole country and the problem of it economic revival is being paid to the problem by many prominent scholars both of my region and of the whole country as well. The scientific and research basis of the investigation is wide and varied. Many scientific and research works deal with it (N. Chumachenko, Ye. Firsaeva, L. Kalashnikova, V. Rybinin).