Cathedra of an electrometallurgy and converter production of steel

Onishchuk Sergey



The brief biography:

Was born on october 19, 1976 in the city of Donetsk. In 1997 I entered the day time department of  physics - metallurgical faculty of Donetsk State Technical University on the  principle of competition. I took an active part in student's  olimpiads and conferences during my study. After four years in 2001 I got the bachelor degree on  a speciality "Metallurgy of ferrous metals". Since autum of 2001 I have been studying in magistrature of  DSTU. Under the direction of the senior lecturer of the cathedra EM and CPS, candidate of engineering science S.A.Khrapko  I'm writing magister  work  on the topic "The  thermodynamic analysis of formation of non-metallic actuations in steel ".


Masters work


The useful referense