russian ukranian

The personal page


Safonov Konstantin - master of group PT-97b of department "Industrial heat engineering" of physic-metallurgical faculty of Donetsk national technical university.

I was born 22-th of March 1980 in Donetsk. In 1995 i had finish school ¹76 and acted to Donetsk Tecnichal Liceum. In 1997 I had succesful graduated Liceum with good results. Since the same year I have been a student of DNTU by the speciality "Indastrial Thermal Energetic".

Dissertation for master's degree

Electronic library

Useful references

At present I am engaged in researches connected with increase of an overall performance of thermal power stations, and as ordering of already available data in this area. This work have contuning my early researches on development of a technique reductions harmful emission of nitrogen oxides in atmosphere. I have some publications dedicated to research in this area.

Presently under the direction of professor Safyants S. M. I am attended to the study of INCREASING OF THERMAL POWER PLANT EFFICIENCY BY ITS SUPERSTRUCTURING WITH GAS TURBINE that and is a theme of my dissertation for master's degree .

If you interesting in my work send me a letter