The Theme: "INCREASING OF THERMAL POWER PLANT EFFICIENCY BY ITS SUPERSTRUCTURING WITH GAS TURBINE" Introducing of the steam-and-gas units in domestic power industry is a single possibility to realize the qualitative changes in the production of electric power - to reduce the construction costs of power stations, reduce the specific consumption of fuel on released electric power, perfect the ecological factors of power stations. The most efficient way of introduction of steam-and-power technology of electric power production is a conversion of acting steam power stations into steam-and-power ones by their superstructuring with gas turbines. Such modernization is most simple and economical way of fuel use efficiency increasing. By the relationships manner with built-on block it is possible to divide the schemes of gas turbine superstructures into steam and water ones. In steam systems a leaving gases heat of gas turbines is used in the utilising boilers for the steam production, that then enters either in regeneration system of steam turbine, displacing steam of selections, or directly to the steam turbine, changing part of consumption of fresh or secondary steam, entering steam turbine from built-on block boiler. The Schemes of gas turbine superstructures with throwing down of back gases to the boiler are most economical and difficult realized ones. The Difficulties of realization are connected with need of accomodation of gas turbines and heaters in direct vicinity with boilers to avoid the devices complex and bulky tubing. Besides, this scheme can be not realised on the pulverised coal boilers since coal firing, particularly low reactionary, in ballasted media presents most often unsolved problem. Steam-and-gas units with throw down of turbine back gases to the furnace of steam boiler is characterized that leaving gases of gas turbine are overheated (450-550 degrees Celsius) ballasted with oxidiser contenting 14-17 % of oxygen. For this reason it is reasonable to use such units for firing of the main mass of fuel in steam boilers. |
This operation mode is main for steam-and-gas power stations. The back gases of gas turbine are driven to the main burners of a furnace. Hot air lacking for combustion process enters the burners after heaters by ventilator of additional air. Installing of the gas turbines excludes the overloading operation modes of main and accessory equipment of steam power cycle, and allow to enlarge the period of usage by 50 thousands hours. This operation mode is main for steam-and-gas power stations. The back gases of gas turbine are driven to the main burners of a furnace. Hot air lacking for combustion process enters the burners after heaters by ventilator of additional air. Installing of the gas turbines excludes the overloading operation modes of main and accessory equipment of steam power cycle, and allow to enlarge the period of usage by 50 thousands hours. THE ESSENCE of PROJECT:The Natural gas is fired in 170 MW gas turbine unit. Back gases of turbine initially with the temperature 540 degrees Celsius pass feed water gas heat exchanger and then with the temperature 400 degrees Celsius move to the boiler unit and heat exchangers of condensate and heat network. The total efficiency of the power unit increases from 36-38% up to 43-45% and electric power increases by 120 MW. If You were interested by the theme of this work and You want to know about this more detailed, you may sed me a letter to : |